Saturday, October 29, 2011

Viņa Harijība /// His Harryness

Pirms nedēļas mums bija viesības, un visskaistākā lieta, kas tur bija, manuprāt, bija cukurtrauks ar Harija karotīti. Lāsma diezgan iesmīkņā, kad man sagribas fotografēt jebko, kas kaut attāli saistīts ar ēdienu, bet Viljamam un Keitai šodien kāzu pusgada diena, tāpēc šodien šo var gluži labi atļauties. Lāsma gan vienreiz arī piebilda, kad mazliet apspriedām viņas jaunākos adīšanas paradumus,  ka "katram jau sava atkarība - dažiem bildēt ēdieniņus".
Lāsmai ir šausmīga adīšanas atkarība. Kopš viņa sākusi adīt savu melno džemperi ar spīgulīšiem, ierastākās atbildes, ko dzirdu uz tādiem ikdienišķiem un gluži aicinošiem jautājumiem kā "Nāksi ar mani ēst?", "Dzersi kafiju?" un "Atnāc, paskaties uz šito!" ir "Pagaidi, vēl viena rindiņa!", "Es tūlīt, tikai pabeigšu šito!", "Es tagad adu!". Ierastas un daudzkārt mazāk aicinošas atbildes. Skaidrs, ka viņa nespēj atrauties pēc rindiņas pabeigšanas un iesāk nākamo, un kā tad nu to nepabeigt, un tad vēl vienu jauko bonusiņam.
"Ejam skatīties Klinta Īstvuda vesternu "Borna kaut kas" ar Metu Deimonu?" "Nāku jau nāku!" Tas ir vienīgā lieta, kas varētu strādāt.
Bet es esmu iecietīga un saprotoša. Džemperis būs smuks, viņa saka, ka nākamo adīšot man (es gribu ar ziemeļbriedīšiem), mana ēdienu fotogrāfēšana nav tik uzkrītoša, un ko vispār atkarībai padarīsi.

A week ago we had a tea-party, and I find the most beautiful thing was a cupcake sugar-bowl with Prince Harry's teaspoon. Lasma smirks every time I have the desire to take a photo that even distantly reminds of something edible, yet William and Catherine are having their half-year wedding anniversary today, so today I am quite allowed to do this. Once when we were discussing her latest knitting habits, she even told that "everybody has its addiction - for some it happen to be taking photos of food".
Lasma has got a terrible addiction from knitting. Since she has started to knit her black sparkly jumper, the most common answers I get to such ordinary and quite inviting questions as "Are you coming to eat with me?", "Want some coffee?", "Come, look at this!" are "Wait, one more row!", "Coming, just have to finish this one!", "I'm knitting!". Common and less inving answers. That is sure that she is unable to pull herself away from finishing the row, and then she keeps on with the next one, and how one could leave it unfinished, an then another nice one as a little bonus.
"Wanna watch Clint Eastwood's "The Bourne Something", starring Matt Damon?" "I'm coming!!" The only thing I can imagine that would work.
For all that, I am tolerant and understanding. The jumper is gonna be pretty, she says the next one might be for me (I want a jumper with reindeer), my snapping of pictures of food seems less blaring, and what one can do to addiction at all.

cukuriņi /// sugar-bowl and Harry-spoon

mazais šķelmis /// young and smiling

Harija karotīte ir Lāsmas otrā stilīgākā lieta aiz basģitāras /// The Harry spoon is the second stylish thing Lasma owns (the soviet bass is the first one)

Princis Harijs un kūciņa /// Prince Harry and cupcake

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