Monday, April 30, 2012

Sarkani ķieģeļu nami un Ketrīna /// Red brick houses and Catherine

Man vakar nelāgi sanāca aizmirst padomāt par Ketrīnas un Viljama kāzu gadadienu. Kad tā diena tuvojās, es mazliet apcerēju, ka varētu veltīt viņu laulības vienam gadam ierakstiņu, bet nekā. Vispār par viņiem vakar neiedomājos, lai gan pirms gada tas bija dienas notikums (nepārspīlējot ar pieticību, es gribētu izteikt pieļāvumu, ka tas bija nedēļas notikums), kuru iepriekš rūpīgi gaidīt un palaist garām grūti, jo dzīvoklī visi skatījās kāzu tiešraidi. Protams, kāzu gadadiena un pašas kāzas nav gluži viens un tas pats, tāpēc es uz sevi pārāk ļaunu prātu neturu. Taču tik un tā, manas atvainošanās un Londonas ķiegeļu mājas.

Yesterday I badly forgot to reflect on Kate and William's wedding anniversary. When the day was approaching, I considered dedicating a blog post for their one year old marriage, though eventually I did not do anything about it. They did not pop into my mind even once yesterday, although the year before it was the event of the day, (let's not dive into the waters of humbleness - I am pretty sure it was the event of the week). I was awaiting for it carefully and the wedding was quite hard to miss out as all of my flatmates were watching the live broadcast of the most exalting public wedding ceremony of the 21th century. Obviously a wedding anniversary and a wedding itself no dot equal, so I do not hold any grudges against myself. For all that, my apologies and red brick houses in London.

Kembridžas hercogiene kāda sava pielūdzēja logā /// The Dutchess of Cambridge on the window of an admirer

Augšā kafejnīcā pie sienas bija bilde ar ielu, kā tā izskatās ziemā ar sniegu un gaismiņām /// Inside the cafeteria on a wall the was a photo of the same street in wintertime, with snow and lights

Kate on King street, Aberdeen, Scotland, June 2011

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