Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pikniks ar zēniem /// Picnic with boys

Man šķiet, šodienas ieraksts ir saistīts ar manu brīnišķīgo nagu lakas toni. Es, protams, gribētu spēt izteikt šīs rozā krāsas iedabu, bet vienīgais, ko es zinu, ka krāsa ir ļoti laba, ar pavasara dabu un viņai ir sakars ar aveņu krāsu. Varbūt tā pat ir aveņu krāsa.

Visiem patīk pikniki, jo tur ir ēst, var gulēt zālītē un tādi cilvēki, kuri patīk, jo, cik zinu, neviens neiet piknikā ar kādu, kurš viņam nepatīk
Ar zēniem ir forši iet piknikā, jo viņiem patīk ēst (gandrīz tikpat ļoti kā dzert), viņi gūst no labuma esot ārā - var smēķēt, kad vien gribas un nav jāiet ārā uzsmēķēt, un man ir skatāmviela. Smēkēšanas pluss ir vides maiņas iespējas, taču reizēm ir labi palikt vienā vietā un pārvietoties maz. Mūsu piknikā spīdēja saule, nelija lietus, bija ēdiens un dzērieni, bezierobežojumu smēķēšanas iespēja, trīs draudzīgi piknikotāji, līdz ar to patiesi bezrūpīgs pikniks.

Bilžu būs ļoti daudz, jo man ļoti patīk šīs bildes, un ir aizraujoši vērot Jāņa sejas straujo mainīgumu attiecībā pret Ričarda sejas mazmainīgumu. Un es neesmu šeit paredzējusi izvēļu izdarīšanas treniņu. 

I am quite certain (although not entirely certain) that today's post comes from my nail polish shade. There is no doubt I would be glad to be able to express the character of the pink, but for now all I know for sure is that the colour is really good, it has got spring in it and the pink shade has something to with raspberry colour. It might even be raspberry colour.

Everyone likes picnics, as there is food, grass to lie on and a likable company. As far as I now, no one goes to picnic with someone he doesn't like.
It's nice to go on a picnic with boys because they like to eat almost as much as they like to drink, they are pretty entertaining to look at, and boys profit from the outdoors - they can smoke whenever they feel like it, which they do often. Usually the good thing about smoking is the easy possibility to change the environment, but sometimes it is good to stay at the same place and not to move around much.
Our picnic had light and pleasant sunshine, no rain at all, food and drinks, unlimited possibility of smoking, three friendly picnickers. So, this means we had a truly carefree, happy-go-lucky picnic.

There's gonna be volumes of pictures, I love these pictures too much. And it's quite exciting to observe the rapid changes of Janis' face in relation to Richard's relatively fixed expressions. Also, I didn't make this post in order to practice decisiveness. 

Elīna izgāž vīnu /// Elina spills out her drink

vīna augšāmcelšanās /// the resurrection of white wine

domīgs Ričards, domīgs Jānis /// thoughtful Richard, thoughtful Janis

pieļauju, ka arī šeit viņi domā /// I suppose they have some thoughts in their minds here too

ļoti labi /// very good

mēs ar Ričardu mazliet saskaņoti zili balti rūtainajā /// Richard and I matching each other through our blue - white checked choice

skaistais ēšanas process /// the beautiful  process of eating

un mums ar Jāni baltie laukumi /// white for both of us

(Jānim un Ričardam toties abiem ir džinss, bet es nezinu, cik tas skaitās) /// (Janis and Richard have opted for denim although I am uncertain whether that counts)

Jānis un Ričards mēģina doties pēc dzērieniem 1 /// Janis and Richard trying to go to buy something more to drink 1

mēģinājums 2, jauki apspīdēts /// Take 2, nicely illuminated

Mēģinājums 3, parasts un rezultatīvs /// Take 3, ordinary and successful

zēnu prombūtnē es neaizmirstu par zēniem /// I don't have to forget the boys during their absence

Piknika sala /// The Picnic Island

tikmēr novēroju apkārtni /// in the meanwhile I observe the surroundings

viņi nāk atpakaļ! /// They're getting back, don't you see!

lokālie dzērieni /// local drinks

laiks kutināšanai /// time for tickling


pati piknicība /// the epitome of picnicness

vasaras laiskums /// the idle summertime

taisns leņķis /// a right angle

dzērienu līnija /// the line of beverages

puse acu atvērtas /// half the eyes open

dūmu gredzeni, vai arī gandrīz /// smoke rings or close to that

skatiens kamerā I /// Looking into the camera I

skatiens kamerā II /// Looking into the camera II

neviens neskatās kamerā III /// No one is looking into the camera III

piknika sastāvdaļas /// the contents of a picnic

neapdomības rēta uz pieres /// the recklessness scar on the forehead

mazāk taisns un vairāk mīlīgs leņķis /// less right, but closer angle

vasaras pēdas /// summer feet

izskatās grūtāk par pikniku /// looks harsher than a picnic

trīs rokas uz Ričarda /// three hands on Richard

Jānis izskatās pēc koalas /// Janis reminding a koala

vasarīgs miers /// summer serenity

beigas /// the end

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