Saturday, April 13, 2013

Vai tu jau esi dzērusi šampanieti? /// Have you tasted Champagne yet?

Jānis: Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā, Elīn, un es ceru, ka tev ir visādas manierīgas dāvanas un pārsteigumiņi.
Elīna: Tev tiešām šķiet, ka mana raksturīgākā iezīme ir manierīgums?
Jānis: Jā, tā ir.
Elīna: Es cerēju, ka tu teiksi, ka nē,  ir vēl arī visādas citas iezīmes un īpašības.
Jānis: Nē, manierīgums un koķetērija pašai ar sevi. Es pat teiktu - koķetērija pašai ar savu esamību un savu dvēseli.

Janis: Happy Birthday, Elin, and I hope you got heaps of manneristic presents and little suprises.
Elina: So you really think mannerism is my most characteristic trait?
Janis: Yes, that's how it is.
Elina: I was hoping you'd say that no, there were other traits and qualities as well.
Janis: No, mannerism and coquetry with yourself. I'd even say - coquetry with your own existence and your soul.

Fotoreportāža par dzimšanas dienu pirms gada. Fakultātes bildes: Katrīna

Pictures from birthday a year ago. Pictures from uni: Katrina

Kanta laikā un pēc Kanta - Ričards, Elīna, Jānis un Katrīna labā un ļaunās ēd kūciņas /// During and after "Kant":  Ricards, Elina, Janis and Katrina eating the good and the evil cupcakes

Katrīnai pirmā bija jāēd ļaunā (šokolādes) kūciņa, viņa to apzinājās. Mums ar Ričardu arī laikam ļaunās kūciņas. /// Katrina had to eat the evil (chocolate) cupcake as her first one, she was well aware of it. Looks like Ricards and me are also having the evil cupcakes.

Ētikā seminārs par līķiem /// Seminar in Ethics on corpses

Dzimšanas dienā nebūtu jādomā par līķiem /// One shouldn't think about corpses on one's own Birthday

es un smuks galds /// me and pretty table

dvīņu dzimšanas dienas kopbilde, ar koncentrētu skatu uz jaunu gadu /// Birthday picture of twins and their focused stare at the year to come

Elīna, Lāsma, citplanēšu gaisma /// Elina, Lasma, aliens' light

"For my Little princess"

Saturs "Manai princesītei" /// Content of "For my Little princess" - chapters Knight's Code of Chivalry, You are special, interesting, beautiful, Teenager on the phone, Why do we cry etc.

Dzīvnieks nav rotaļlieta /// A pet is no toy, Little princesses wardrobe, Have you tastes champagne yet?, Cocktail party at Little princesses place, Don't get bored and don't let others bore etc.


Labi sabalansēta literatūra /// Well balanced literature - The Wind in the Willows, The History of Fashion, For my Little princess, Donald Duck

Vienmēr paticis ēst šokolādes galvas /// I have always enjoyed eating chocolate heads

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