Bija tāds novembris, tumšs, un ļoti iespējams, ka drusku arī slapjš, es gāju pa ielu centrā, un pēkšņi uzradās popkorna smarža. Namiņš, kurā dzīvo kino, bija pavisam labi saskatāms, tā jau it kā skaidrs, no kurienes tas popkorns, taču smaržas gājienam krietni par tālu. Nu tiešām. Un pārāk izteiksmīgs, gandrīz vai uzmācīgs tas aromāts. Pēc pāris soļiem man zem zābaka zoles gadījās kaut kas mazs un mīksti pufīgs, ne sevišķi sabradājams, taisni mazs popkornītis, man šķiet. Hahā, re kur, no kurienes tā smarža plūst, es uzreiz apķērīgi nodomāju. Man sagribējās uz kino, vai arī vismaz redzēt kādu filmu. Labāk, protams, tumšā kinozālē ar iešanu uz un nākšanu no, un popkorna smaržu.
Pavisam drīz es arī biju uz kino. Tur gan cilvēkiem popkornu nedod un zāles tikai divas, bet nosaukums ļoti labi skan un iekšā smuki. Skatījos filmu, kur meitene sabojāja savas kāzas un beigās visi nomira. Bet tā neesot bijusi filma par kāzām, un tad jau it kā ok droši vien. Es nezinu, man tomēr kaut kā šķita, ka filmā, kur darbība notiek britiskā pilī, nebija pilnīgi visiem jānomirst, bet no otras puses, varbūt tieši labāk tur. Es gan arī neko tā pārāk vienu un konkrētu nedomāju. Un, kad es sēdēju iekšā zālē un skatījos filmu, garām kinoteātrim gāja Katrīna, un pirmo reizi šogad sāka snigt sniegs.
Pavisam citu rītu, kad man bija jāiet uz skolu, es biju laicīgi piecēlusies un sataisījusies, mājās neviena cita vairs nebija, tikai abi kaķi. Ārā bija nekustīgs, pelēks laiks, tieši tāds, ko es no novembra gaidu, īpaši, kad ir jūnijs vai jūlijs un es domāju par to, kā būs novembrī. Es apgūlos mammas un tēta gultā un skatījos ārā pa logu, taisni vai arī uz Ēriku. Viņš atnāca un apsēdās man blakus. Ir kaut kādi atsevišķi brīži, kad es gribu apgulties tajā gultā, var nojaust, kā es jutīšos. Vai arī es tur apguļos, kad es jau kaut kādā vienā veidā jūtos, īsti nezinu, un nav jau arī tik svarīgi. Katrā ziņā tas bija tik ļoti labi, un drusku likās, ka viss notiek ar līganu palēninājumu. Pēc tam atkal mazliet nokavēju lekciju, taču nekas slikts nenotika.
Drusku vairāk nekā pirms nedēļas man Roberts bija jāpārgrimē par transvestītu, un kaut kā nejauši viņš kļuva par geišu. Viņš izskatījās patiešām burvīgi, man šausmīgi patika, un mēs abi palaikam pajūsmojām, cik gan viņš ir apburoša geišiņa, un vispār tā jestri. Kaut kāda varbūt pat ne līdz galam pamatota sajūsma, taču tas jau vienalga, ja tik sajūsma. Ik pa brīdim Roberts ar telefonu bildēja savu spoguļattēlu un tā brīnumainās pārvērtības un sāka runāt sieviešu dzimtē. Jutos tā, it kā taisītu Almodovara filmas austrumu versijas tēlu. Un vispār tur bija kaut kas tik japāniski tīnīgs visā tajā procesā, kad viņš ar bālu sejaskrāsu fotogrāfēja spoguli un mēs pozējām ar jokainām parūkām.
It was in November, it was dark and it is highly possible that also slightly wet, and I was walking down a street in the city centre, when all of a sudden the scent of popcorn showed up. The house where cinema lives was well visible, it was quite obvious where was that popcorn from, yet the distance was considerably large for a walk of a smell. Indeed. And the aroma was too glaring. A couple of steps later something small and puffy happened to get under the sole of my boot, a tiny, little popcorn, I suppose. Hahah, now I know where does the smell come from, I quick-wittedly thought right away. I got a craving to go to a movie, or at least to see one at home. Of course, in a dark screening room with all that going to and coming from, and popcorn's smell would be much better.
Quite soon I really did go to cinema. People do not get popcorn there and there are only two screening rooms, for all that the name of the cinema sounds truly good and it is beautiful inside. I was watching a film, where a girl ruined her wedding and at the end everyone died. But it was not a movie about wedding, and I guess then it should be okay. I don't know, for all that it seemed that in a movie where the plot takes place in a British castle-like estate, not everyone had to die. On the other hand, if at all, maybe it is better to die there. Actually I don't think anything too specific or concrete about it. And while I was inside the cinema and was watching the film, Katrina was passing it by, and for the first time in this year snow started to fall.
Quite another morning when I was supposed to go to school, I was up in time, and ready, nobody else was at home, except for the cats. It was still and grey outside, exactly the kind of weather I expect from November, especially if it is June or July and I'm thinking how is it gonna be like in November. I laid down on mum's and dad's bed and looked out of the window, straight or at Eriks. He sat down next to me. We were lying there, and nothing happened. There are some moments when I want to lie down on that bed, and I know how will I feel. Or I lie down, when I already am in a certain state of mind, I don't really know, and it is not that important. Anyways, it was so good, it seemed a little that everything happened with a smooth slow-down. Afterwards I was a wee bit late for the lecture, however no harm was done.
Slightly more than a week ago I had to transform Roberts into a transvestite, and somehow by chance he became a geisha. He looked thoroughly adorable, I simply loved it. Both of us were enthusiastic about it all, now and then we were discussing what a charming geisha he was, and everything was funny. Occasionally Roberts snapped some shots of his mirror image and its marvelous change, and he started to refer to himself as to 'her'. I felt like making a character from Almodovar's oriental version movie. And there was something Japanese teenager-like present in all that process, when he pale-skinned took photos of mirror and we posed with funny wigs on our heads.
Roberts Geiša /// Roberts Geisha |
dziļdomīgs skatiens /// thoughtful look |
gari, melni mati /// long black hair |
geishing up Roberts |
Roberts ar kārtiņu meikapa un es bez /// Roberts wearing loads of make-up and me not having any :/ |
japāņu tīņi /// Japanese kids |
parūkas un tehnoloģijas /// wigs and gadgets |
man tik ļoti patīk, kā Roberts izskatās savā krekliņā ar geišas galvu /// I adore how Roberts looks in his own t-shirt with geisha's head |
viņš izskatās pēc zēna no japāņu filmas, kuram kaut kā iemeslu dēļ bijis jāpartop geišā /// he looks like a boy from Japanese movie who's got some kind of reason to look like geisha |