Arī pašiem ilgākajiem šī gada izslavētākā kāzu datuma medusmēnešiem vajadzētu būt beigušamies, un arī paši pēdējie jaunlaulātie ir atgriezušies savos laulības mitekļos, ja vien viņu medusmēneša plānā neietilpst pusgadu ilgs ceļojums ar jahtu apkārt pasaulei vai brīvprātīgais darbs ar āfrikāņu bērniņiem. Es nevaru īsti spriest par šo jaunlaulāto daudzskaitlīgumu; novembra 11. datumā nekādas līgavu kaudzītes gar ceļiem un uz tiltiņiem mētājamies nemanīju, dzirdēju tikai par vienām kāzām,
un dīvainā kārtā kāzinieku pulciņu manīju iepriekšējās dienas pievakarē.
Bet piektdienas 11. datums izskatījās tāpat kā vienmēr. Nu bija jau arī
samērā kā vienmēr.
Ja var ticēt britu ticējumiem par kāzām, un man liekas, ka samērā jau var, 11.11.2011. nepavisam nav bijusi tā ļaunākā izvēle, kad slēgt savas sirdis mīlošā savienībā. Britu pantiņi saka, ka, "ja Tu precies nemīlīgā novembrī, tikai prieki nāks, atceries", un kurš "precēts zem novembra miglas plīvuriem, tam kāzu gredzenu veiksme skūpstījusi". Nepavisam ne bezcerīgi, vai ne? Neskaidrāk ir ar datuma iekrišanu piektdienā, jo es nesaprotu, ko nozīmē "piektdiena krustiem". Droši vien kaut kas ar Jēzu, bet īsti nav skaidrs, tas labi vai slikti. Pirmajā brīdī šķiet, ka nekas labs tas nevar būt, kas tas uz smagumu un krustu, kas jānes, bet, no otras puses, nez vai Viljams un Ketrīna precētos dienā, kas sola nelaimes vien.
Nevajag nokārt degunu arī, ja nav sanācis apprecēties 11. novembrī, taču būtu pārāk skumīgi to nedarīt datumā, kurā ir daudz vienādu ciparu - 2012. gada 12. decembris pēc britu ticējumiem grasās būt vēl daudzsološāks: "kad decembra sniegi ātri krīt, precies un īsta mīlestība ilgs" un arī "precēts decembra prieka dienās, mīlestības zvaidznes spīd spožāk gadu no gada", turklāt, pēc maniem pētījumiem, 12. decembris nākamgad būs trešdienā, un "trešdiena vislabākā diena no visām".
Now is the time even for the longest of all honeymoons of the most praised wedding date of the year to be over, and even the very last newlyweds should have arrived in their matrimony dwelling by now (unless they had planned for their honeymoon to sail around the world or to do voluntary work for African kids). Unfortunately I cannot judge fairly the quantity of newlyweds; on the 11th day of November I did not notice any heaps of brides covering bridges or laying along the roads, I have heard of only one wedding taking place on that day, and strangely enough I spotted a wedding group on the previous afternoon. But Friday 11th November looked like any other Friday. And it actually was quite the same as always.
If we can trust British wedding superstitions, and I believe we can do that quite well, 11/11/2011 is nowhere near the worst choice for the date when to bring together hearts in a loving union. British wedding poems say that "if you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember" and "married in veils of November mist, fortune your wedding ring has kissed". Not hopelessly at all, isn't it? This peculiar date's falling on Friday is more vague, since I do not get what does mean "Friday for crosses". Something related with Jesus, I guess, however it is not clear whether that is good or bad. At the first moment it seems that it could not be anything nice, it might be something about heaviness or bearing one's cross, but on the other hand I do not think William and Kate would have chosen wedding date which promises nothing but bad luck.
There is no reason to give up if you did not manage to get married on the 11th of November, still it would be too sad to not to do that on a date which does not contain lots of identical digits. 12/12/2012, according to British superstitions, is going to be even more promising: "when December's snow fall fast, marry and true love will last" and also "married in days of December's cheer, love's star shines brighter from year to year".
Married when the year is new,
He'll be loving, kind and true.
When February birds do mate
You wed nor dread your fate.
If you wed when March winds blow
Joy and sorrow both you'll know.
Marry in April when you can
Joy for maiden and the man.
Marry in the month of May
And you'll surely rue the day.
Marry when the June roses grow
Over land and sea you'll go.
Those who in July do wed
Must labour for their daily bread.
Whoever wed in August be,
Many a change is sure to see.
Marry in September's shine,
Your living will be rich and fine.
If in October you do marry
Love will come, but riches tarry.
If you wed in bleak November
Only joys will come, remember
When December's snows fall fast,
Marry and true love will last.
He'll be loving, kind and true.
When February birds do mate
You wed nor dread your fate.
If you wed when March winds blow
Joy and sorrow both you'll know.
Marry in April when you can
Joy for maiden and the man.
Marry in the month of May
And you'll surely rue the day.
Marry when the June roses grow
Over land and sea you'll go.
Those who in July do wed
Must labour for their daily bread.
Whoever wed in August be,
Many a change is sure to see.
Marry in September's shine,
Your living will be rich and fine.
If in October you do marry
Love will come, but riches tarry.
If you wed in bleak November
Only joys will come, remember
When December's snows fall fast,
Marry and true love will last.
Married in January's roar and rime,
Widowed you'll be before your prime.
Married in February's sleepy weather,
Life you'll tread in time together.
Married when March winds shrill and roar,
Your home will lie on a distant shore.
Married 'neath April's changeful skies,
A checkered path before you lies.
Married when bees o'er May blossoms flit,
Strangers around your board will sit.
Married in month of roses June,
Life will be one long honeymoon.
Married in July with flowers ablaze,
Bitter-sweet memories in after days.
Married in August's heat and drowse,
Lover and friend in your chosen spouse.
Married in September's golden glow,
Smooth and serene your life will go.
Married when leaves in October thin,
Toil and hardships for you begin.
Married in veils of November mist,
Fortune your wedding ring has kissed.
Married in days of December's cheer,
Love's star shines brighter from year to year.
Married in January's roar and rime,
Widowed you'll be before your prime.
Married in February's sleepy weather,
Life you'll tread in time together.
Married when March winds shrill and roar,
Your home will lie on a distant shore.
Married 'neath April's changeful skies,
A checkered path before you lies.
Married when bees o'er May blossoms flit,
Strangers around your board will sit.
Married in month of roses June,
Life will be one long honeymoon.
Married in July with flowers ablaze,
Bitter-sweet memories in after days.
Married in August's heat and drowse,
Lover and friend in your chosen spouse.
Married in September's golden glow,
Smooth and serene your life will go.
Married when leaves in October thin,
Toil and hardships for you begin.
Married in veils of November mist,
Fortune your wedding ring has kissed.
Married in days of December's cheer,
Love's star shines brighter from year to year.
Monday for wealth,
Tuesday for health,
Wednesday the best day of all.
Thursday for losses,
Friday for crosses,
Saturday for no luck at all.
Tas pēdējais vispār ir viens no maniem mīļākajiem skaitāmgabaliņiem.
Un bildes par to, ko es darīju 11. novembra priekšpusdienā.
The last one is one of my all time favorite rhymes.
And pictures on what I did on 11th November morning.
sunītis pastaigā /// a dog on a walk |
Mednieku bārs /// Hunter's bar |
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