Šodien bija ļoti laba diena. Pēc nelielas dilemmas atrisināšanas aizgāju uz skolu, papļāpāju un
sarakstījos ar zīmītēm ar iecienītiem kursa biedriem, un jutos labi. Ēstētikas seminārā par skaisto runāju vairāk, nekā klepoju (un runāju tā, ka ne ar kādu filosofelīti, ja). Katrīna testēja manu klepu, vai es varu iet uz baletu, un aizmirsa novērot rezultātus, jo es klepoju tik maz. Un laiks tik burvīgs - rudenīgs un sauss, drusku pelēks, drusku zeltains. Man šodien bija pelēkas drēbes, tieši tā, kā man patika, mēs ar Jāni nospriedām, ka ar tādām varētu iet uz darbu vēstniecībā, un koši rozā nagu laka. Katrīna viņu nosauca par Aberdīnas pavasara rōzā. Rudens fāze, kas šobrīd norisinās, ir neuzkrītoši iespaidīga, visu laiku kaut kas mazliet notiek, taču ne arī tā, ka kristu acīs.
Kad atnācu mājās, jutos mazliet nogurusi, tomēr tas nebija nepatīkami. Man patika atnākt no lekcijām un vairs nekur neiet, patīkama pārmaiņa, un es pavisam noteikti zināju, ko klausīties. Pēc tam kārtoju istabu, tas arī patika, daļēji nagu lakas dēļ. Ir forši ņemt visādus priekšmetus, kuri labi izskatās kopā ar nagu krāsu. Pie Frānsas Gallas dziesmiņām mazliet patrenējos piruetes, izlasīju samērā glaimojošu komentāru par manu līdz šim mīļāko mājas darbu studiju laikā un ēdu ābolu debesmannā. Pašā vakarā manā istabā plastiskām kustībām ieplīvoja Lāsma, un tad mēs kādu brīdi kopā nedarījām samērā neko.
Katrā ziņā man šodien patika gandrīz viss, kas ar mani atgadījās, un tas ir gandrīz vai vareni.
Today was a very good day. Having had solved a minor dilemma - to go to school or to stay at home -, I did go to school, where I was chatting and exchanging notes with some of my favourite classmates, and I was feeling good. In Aesthetics class about the beautiful I talked more than I coughed (and mind you, I did not talked to some philosophical friend). Katrina tested my cough, whether I can go to ballet, but she forgot to observe the results, as I was coughing so little. And the weather was just lovely - autumn-like and dry, slightly greyish, slightly golden. Today I was wearing grey, just as I liked, (Janis and I decided it would be appropriate wearing such clothes if you work in an embassy), and I had bright pink nail polish. Katrina called it "Aberdeen's spring pink". The phase of fall which is happening right now, is subtly impressive, all the time something is happening, though it isn't glaring.
When I came back home, I was a little bit tired, yet it was not unpleasantly. I liked getting back from lectures and not going anywhere afterwards, a nice change. And I knew it so clearly, which music to listen to. Then I was cleaning up my room, which I also enjoyed, partly because of the nail polish. It's good to pick up things which look good with the nails' colour. Listening to France Gall I was practicing pirouettes, then I read quite a flattering comment on my so far the very favourite homework during the whole uni time, and ate apple dessert. In late evening Lasma landed in my room, dancing around, and for a while we were doing together quite nothing.
Anyways, I liked nearly everything what happened to me today, and that is almost great.
Today was a very good day. Having had solved a minor dilemma - to go to school or to stay at home -, I did go to school, where I was chatting and exchanging notes with some of my favourite classmates, and I was feeling good. In Aesthetics class about the beautiful I talked more than I coughed (and mind you, I did not talked to some philosophical friend). Katrina tested my cough, whether I can go to ballet, but she forgot to observe the results, as I was coughing so little. And the weather was just lovely - autumn-like and dry, slightly greyish, slightly golden. Today I was wearing grey, just as I liked, (Janis and I decided it would be appropriate wearing such clothes if you work in an embassy), and I had bright pink nail polish. Katrina called it "Aberdeen's spring pink". The phase of fall which is happening right now, is subtly impressive, all the time something is happening, though it isn't glaring.
When I came back home, I was a little bit tired, yet it was not unpleasantly. I liked getting back from lectures and not going anywhere afterwards, a nice change. And I knew it so clearly, which music to listen to. Then I was cleaning up my room, which I also enjoyed, partly because of the nail polish. It's good to pick up things which look good with the nails' colour. Listening to France Gall I was practicing pirouettes, then I read quite a flattering comment on my so far the very favourite homework during the whole uni time, and ate apple dessert. In late evening Lasma landed in my room, dancing around, and for a while we were doing together quite nothing.
Anyways, I liked nearly everything what happened to me today, and that is almost great.