Mēs atkal mazliet bijām pie omēm, pabeigt filmēšanu. Viņas, protams, protams, bija sataisījušas visu ko ēdamu, taču ābolmaizītes gan netaisīja, jo "mums jau pagājušo reiz negaršoja". Tie "mēs", izrādās, bijām tie paši "mēs", kas atstāja neapēstas kādas divas maizītes, kad viss pārējais bija "cik ļoti garšīgi" pavadībā apēsts. Grūti apēst tik daudz, lai vecmāmiņas būtu apmierinātas.
Tā jau viņas jestras. Sākumā gribēja pierunāt, lai taču mēs ejam atpakaļ pa to taisnāko ceļu caur mežu, tā mums pusstundas vietā būtu jāiet tikai 25 minūtes, un jau pēc pāris brīžiem abas nospriež, ka viņas gan vienas nekur mežā nevarot iet. Viena neko nesaprotot no ceļiem, un otra arī piecās priedēs apmaldoties. Un galu galā nospriež, ka nav nemaz tik slikti iet pa to garo, labi zināmo ceļu, nevis taisno, pa kuru neviens vairākus gadus nav gājis.
Bet vispār daži brīži filmēšanā bija ļoti briesmīgi.
We were at grannies' place again, to finish the shooting. They had, of course, made heaps of food for us, yet they didn't make apple buns, since "we didn't like them the previous time". Those "us" turned out to be the same "us" who left like two buns, having had eaten everything else accompanied by "how delicious" and "it tastes so good". It's difficult to eat plenty enough to make grannies happy.
Well, but they're funny. At first they tried to persuade us to take back the short walk through the forest; it would take only 25 minutes instead of our half an hour walk. A few moments later they had come to the conclusion that they are totally unable to go into forests on their own. One of them doesn't understand anything about directions, the other one too can easy get lost between three trees. After all the decide that there's nothing wrong with taking the old, familiar road instead of the straight one through the forest, which has not been used by any one for the past few years.
And there were some awful moments during the shooting. I didn't really enjoy them.
māja pa ceļam /// a house on our way |
māja ar zilu sētu /// a house with blue fence |
prieks par drīzo strādāšanu /// looking forward to work |
pauze pirms došanās biezoknī /// pausing before stepping into a thicket |
tur bija vēl viens smuks meža ceļš /// there was another pretty forest path |
biezoknis /// thicket |
zemeņavene un arbūzgurķītis /// strawberry-raspberry and water melon-cucumber |
arbūzgurķītis darbībā /// watermelon-cucumber in action |
Lāsma filmē velnu /// Lasma is filming a devil |
Līga rozā lācīša jakā (viņai šķiet, ka sarkanā) /// Liga in pink teddy bear jacket (according to her, in red one) |
Marija un Jēzus /// Maria and Jesus |
Madonna ar bērnu /// Madonna and Child |
Līga par stundu sajauca vilciena laikus, un mēs nenokavējām pēdējo vilcienu, un stundu stacijā varējām neko nedarīt /// Liga mixed up the timetable for the last train, so we didn't miss the last one and could peacefully wait at the station for an hour |
man arī šķiet, ka jaka ir sarkana.
ReplyDeleteWow! That place looks amazing...what a wonderful path for a walk...lovely images! =)
ReplyDeleteKristina J.
Ak nē, Katrīn!
ReplyDeleteSo nice that you like them! ^_^ It was a warm autumn day, the leaves hadn't fallen yet.