- tas tavs dabiskais nejaukums!
mamma manu pārmetumu lāsmai uztvēra nedaudz personiski, jo tēvs taču nav nejauks, un no kurienes gan lāsmai tad ir tas iedzimtais nejaukums, ja ne no viņas. acīmredzot reizēm jāievēro piesardzības pasākumi, apsaukājot miesīgu māsu.
tad es iedomājos vienu ļoti labu vārdu, un gribēju, lai mēs paspēlējam vārdu spēli, jo būtu grēks tik labu vārdu laist zudībā. lāsma teica, ka viņai jau tās vārdu spēles labi sanāk, un, jāatzīst, viņa ir visai rūdīta spēlmane ar stāžu. to pāris mēnešu laikā, kamēr viņa stopēja pa eiropu, viņa diezgan labi satrenējās, jo, kad visi sarunu temati apsīka, bija jāķeras pie vārdu spēles.
tas bija patiešām labs vārds, un es gandrīz visu laiku teicu 'nē' vai arī 'nu, pārāk jau nav'. lāsma nolēma, ka vispirms jāuzmin cilvēku grupa, kam tā lieta tuva - galu galā tieši tā viņa reiz atminēja klāva vārdu 'grēks'. kad noskaidrojās, ka kristiešiem tā lieta ir, bet citiem nav sevišķi aktuāla, uzreiz dzīve atvieglojās.
ģeogrāfi tomēr bija izmanīgāki par kristiešiem un tik viegli rokās nedevās, un beigās lāsma azimutu neatminēja. tiešam labs vārds. varbūt mazliet pārāk labs, jo es pavidam arī ieguglēju definīciju, lai varētu teikt pārliecinošākus 'nē'.
lāsmai gan tas nešķita labs vārds, viņasprāt, azimuts ir reāli muļķīgs vārds, ko iedomāties, neviens taču tādu nezina. viņai jau vispār nepatīk, ja es izvēlos kādu ģeogrāfijas vārdu. vienreiz, kad es pašsaprotamā kārtā izvēlējos vārdu 'hondurasa', viņai vajadzēja brītiņu laika, lai pieņemtu domu, ka tāda valsts patiesi eksistē.
- manuprāt, visi, kuri zina hondurasu, ir ģeogrāfijas zubri.
- why do you look at the clock, they don't show Lassie anymore anyways.
- that innate dis-niceness of yours!
mum took my reproach to lasma sort of personally. since dad isn't 'not nice', where does this dis-niceness of lasma come from if not from her. i obviously have to take into account some precautionary measures before calling my kindred sibling names.
then a really good word popped into my mind, and i wanted to play word game, so that the great word gets full use of its greatness. it would have been such a pity to waste such a peach of a word. lasma told us she was pretty good at word game, and i have to admit, she really is a decent player with impressive experience. she got quite good at the word game during the hitch-hiking months in europe, when they had to turn to the old, good word game at the moment they ran out of conversation subjects.
it really was such a good word. i nearly always had to answer with "no" or "well, not really". (the rules of game in short - one person imagines no matter what word, and the other one tries to guess it by asking polar questions.) at first lasma decided to start with guessing the group of people whom this word might concern. after all that was the technique which enabled her to guess klavs' word "sin". when she realized that christians own this thing while others are not really concerned about it, the life got easier at the very same moment.
yet geographers were more cunning than christians and did not give in that easily, and in the end lasma hadn't guessed "azimuth". such a great word. it might be even a wee bit too great, since even i had to google a bit the definition of azimuth during the game to enable myself telling sounder "no's".
lasma didn't find it so amazing. according to her, "azimuth" was a pretty silly word to choose, no one is aware of its existence! she doesn't appreciate me picking geography words at all actually. once when i self-evidently picked "honduras , she needed some time to recover and accept that there was such a state in the world for real.
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ģeorāfijas zubris (un Gints) /// geo geek (and Gints) |
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zina, kas ir Hondurasa un ka azimuts atrodams ģeogrāfijā /// knows what Honduras is and that azimuth can be found in geography |
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ģeogrāfijas nūģis (un Likijs) /// geo noob (and Likijs) |
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domā, ka Hondurasa ir kaut kāds sabraficēts izdomājums, un regulāri jauc Helsinkus ar Oslo /// thinks that Honduras is a made-up concept and consistently mixes up Helsinki with Oslo |
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