Man tik ļoti patika pavadīt bērnu uz baznīcas kori. Tā bija pirmā diena, kad es Lauru pieskatīju, un mēs ar riteņiem braucām pa ceļu, pa kuru es vēl nebiju braukusi. Tas ir brīnumdaiļš ceļš, zaļas lapiņas ielenc no abām pusēm un mainās, un braucot pārsvarā ir jādomā par to, ka vai, vai, vai, cik skaisti. Saule nepārblieza krāsas bālas, tradicionālā izpratnē saules nebija. (Protams, ja es būtu piecgadīgs bērnudārznieks, kurš nesen kā uzzinājis, ka vienmēr, kad ir diena, Saule ir uzlēkusi, es tā vis neteiktu. Kad mums bērnudārzā bija mūzikas nodarbības, mēs iedziedāšanos sākām ar dziesmiņu "Šodien ārā saulains laiks," vai "Šodien ārā mākoņains." Un kad bariņš vecāko bērnudārznieku apjauta Saules klātbūtni jebkurā mākoņainā dienā, mēs vienmēr dziedājām tikai par saulaino laiku.)
Man bija pusnakts zila kokvilnas kleita un košāk zils mētelis, ļoti piemērotas drēbes, lai dotos uz baznīcu, manuprāt. Ja apkaimē Jēzus ir aktuāls, var pilnīgi mierīgi vilkt kleitu vai svārkus, braucot ar riteni, jo par svārku plīvošanas piedienību taču būtu jāparūpējas Jēzum.
Man bija pusnakts zila kokvilnas kleita un košāk zils mētelis, ļoti piemērotas drēbes, lai dotos uz baznīcu, manuprāt. Ja apkaimē Jēzus ir aktuāls, var pilnīgi mierīgi vilkt kleitu vai svārkus, braucot ar riteni, jo par svārku plīvošanas piedienību taču būtu jāparūpējas Jēzum.
Es biju patīkami iepriecināta par Hailigenhāfenas kristietisko raksturu. Tā jau vāciešiem laikam ir, taču tas piemirstas un ir īsts svaigumiņš. Vēl svarīgāk par Jēzu Hailigenhāfenā ir burāšana un visi maritīmie aspekti, un tāpēc kristietības un kuģniecības sadarbība šķita īpaši mīlīga. Baznīcā saprot, ka kuģi ir hailigenhāfeniešiem ir sirdij tuvāki par Jēzu, tāpēc stiepj viņus tik iekšā baznīcā. Šur tur randomā pilsētiņā bija pāris krusti, un savukārt baznīcā no griestiem karājās vairāki kuģu modeļi, kas maskējās par svečturiem izmēra un smalkuma ziņā. Tas bija tā ļoti uhh, man patika, tiešām ļoti mīļi. Būtībā esmu arī par saprātīgu eklektiku, kad saliek kopā visu, kas patīk, un kāpēc gan ne burinieki un krusti.
Mēs ar Lauru braucām pa baznīcas pakalnu, tobrīd notika kāzas, mēs izbraucām cauri kāzu viesu grupiņām. Zvanīja baznīcas zvans, vīrietis ar cilindru galvā gaidīja pie mašīnas durvīm, cilvēku skatieni uzmanīja baznīcas durvis. Braucot gar baznīcas sānu sienu, zvani turpināja zvanīt un no otras puses uz manu pusi lidoja nedaudzi ziepju burbuļi. Es skatījos, kas ir viņu autors, taču nevienu neredzēju. Neuzķēros jau uzreiz uz dievišķu zīmi, burbuļiem, kas paši pūšas, taču reizēm ir tik patīkami, kad pūles nevainagojas panākumiem. Tajā brīdī es domāju, cik man ļoti patīk tas, kas man jādara, jāpavada bērns uz baznīcas kori, un patīkamu lietu vienlaicīguma maģiskums, kurā es iebraucu un no kuras izbraucu, pirms tas vēl ir beidzies.
Laura and I were riding on the church hill, and at that time a wedding took place there, and we passed the groups of wedding guests. The church bells were ringing, a man with top hat waiting at a decorated car, guests keeping an alert eye on the church door. While riding along the church, the bells kept ringing, and from the other side a few soap bubbles were approaching me. I looked for their author, but couldn't find anyone. I wasn't so naive to buy immediately that this was some divide providence - the bubbles, that blow themselves -, still occasionally it feels really nice, when the efforts do not result in any success. At that moment I was thinking, how very much I enjoyed what I had to do, to take a kid to church choir, and the magic of simultaneity of pleasant things. I got into it and got out of it before it all had ended.
It was so adorable to take the kid to the church choir. It was the first day when I was looking after Laura, and we were riding bikes on a road which I hadn't seen before. It was a marvelous road, green leaves enclosing from both sides and changing as fast as I rode. While riding, the predominant thought was 'oh, oh, oh, all this is so beautiful". The sun didn't over-illuminate the colors to the paleness; there was no Sun in the traditional sense of 'Sun'. (Of course I wouldn't say this if I was a 5 years old kindergarten kid, who had recently got to know that actually the Sun was present whenever it was day, and not only during the sunny days. In kindergarten we were in a habit of beginning the singing practice with a rhyme - "It's sunny today" on the sunny days or "It's cloudy today" when it was dull outside. When the older kids had grasped the presence of Sun on every single morning, no matter the weather, we kept singing nothing but the "sunny" rhyme.)
I was wearing my midnight blue cotton dress and brighter blue summer coat - very suitable clothes to go to church, I think. If Jesus is trending nearby, one can sport dress or skirt while riding bike with no worries. One can be pretty sure Jesus would take care of the decency of one's skirt's fluttering.
I was pleasantly surprised about the Christian characteristics of Heiligenhafen. I suppose it is nothing outstanding among Germans, still for me it was something quite forgotten and therefore fresh. For all that, sailing and all the maritime aspects count among the very highest ones, so the collaboration between Christianity and sailing is such a sweet one. In the church they understand, that ships are closer to the hearts of Heiligenhafen inhabitants, and that's why they bring them into the church. Here and there in the village some random crosses can be found, whereas several ship models can be seen hanging from the ceiling and disguising themselves as chandeliers, due to their size and delicacy. That was something impressive, very sweet indeed. Fundamentally I am in favour of reasonable eclectism, putting together everything one likes. And why shouldn't it be ships and crosses.
I was wearing my midnight blue cotton dress and brighter blue summer coat - very suitable clothes to go to church, I think. If Jesus is trending nearby, one can sport dress or skirt while riding bike with no worries. One can be pretty sure Jesus would take care of the decency of one's skirt's fluttering.
I was pleasantly surprised about the Christian characteristics of Heiligenhafen. I suppose it is nothing outstanding among Germans, still for me it was something quite forgotten and therefore fresh. For all that, sailing and all the maritime aspects count among the very highest ones, so the collaboration between Christianity and sailing is such a sweet one. In the church they understand, that ships are closer to the hearts of Heiligenhafen inhabitants, and that's why they bring them into the church. Here and there in the village some random crosses can be found, whereas several ship models can be seen hanging from the ceiling and disguising themselves as chandeliers, due to their size and delicacy. That was something impressive, very sweet indeed. Fundamentally I am in favour of reasonable eclectism, putting together everything one likes. And why shouldn't it be ships and crosses.
Wo sie auch ruhen im Meer und Land /// Kur viņi dus gan jūrā, gan zemē /// Where they rest in see and land |
/ Sie sind gefallen in Gottes Hand /// Viņi ir iekrituši Dieva rokā /// They have fallen into God's hand |
Baznīca, kurā kuģu modeļi karājas pie griestiem tikpat bezrūpīgi kā lampas. /// A church where ship models hang in an equally nonchalant manner as chandeliers |
Little Lord Jesus |
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Es piemērotā apģērbā pie baznīcas. /// Me dressed suitably for the church. |
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Pie Jēzus lielā galda - kora notis un pleimobiļa cilvēciņi. /// At the huge table of Jesus - Choir sheet music and Playmobil people |
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Ētika 3a /// Ethics for 3a |
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Izkrāso Ābramu un Sāru! (Ētikas burtnīca) /// Paint Abraham and Sarah! (Exploring Ethics' notes) |
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Jāzepam vienreiz bija sapnis. /// Once Joseph had a dream. |
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Jāzeps izpalīdz faraonam. /// Joseph helps out the Pharaoh. |
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Izmirstošie dzīvnieki, pret kuriem jāizturas ar žēlastību. /// Endangered species that deserve mercy. |
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Trusis un, hm, tārps? /// A rabbit and, well, a worm, I guess. |
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"Jēzus sirds!" Apgaismotā Jēzus sirds! Nevis "parastā sirds, bič." /// "Heart of Jesus!" The illuminated heart of Jesus! Not any "ordinary heart, bitch." |
Es pēdējā laikā esmu daudz laika pavadījusi televizora tuvumā. Piedevās apkopoju neaizmirstamākās frāzes, kuras es, saprotams, būtu aizmirsusi, ja nebūtu pierakstījusi, un par dažu precizitāti man joprojām ir šaubas, taču es izvēlos izlikties, it kā tas uz mani neattiektos. Citāti avoti gluži precīzi attēlo pārraižu spektru, kuru ietekmes laukā esmu atradusies. (Izņemot dažas multenes un muļķīgu ārstu seriālu, kurā nebija nekā citējama.)
Kobra, viens no Semīriem francūzim: "Izņem no mutes varžu kājiņas, tad runā ar mums."
Simpsoni: "Kādu dienu tu kādu slepkavu padarīsi ļoti laimīgu, taču tas nebūšu es."
Garfīlds, tikko izmetis Odiju ārā no mājām: "Reizēm kucēniem nepieciešama skarbāka mīlestība. Tas norūda raksturu."
Smalkais stils, Onslovs: "Cilvēks nevar but maizes pelnītājs un dzejnieks vienlaikus."
Smalkais stils, Hiacinte Ričardam: "Es raugos, lai tava dzīve plūstu kā rāma un mierīga upe, un tā tu man atmaksā."
Simpsoni: Šīs dienas tēma: "Jēzus Tevi ienīst."
Smalkais stils, Onslovs: "Es te sēžu pilnīgi nevienas alus pudeles ielenkumā!"
Simpsoni, Homērs: "Bārt, Bobs tagad ir ģimenes cilvēks. Tu nevari būt slikts cilvēks, ja tev ir ģimene."
Puaro, Puaro: "Mazas dāvaniņas reizēm var būt tik satraucošas."
Puaro, kapteinis Heistingss: "Būt izskatīgai meitenei reizēm var būt grūti."
Puaro: "Jūs vienmēr iežēlojaties par jaunām, daiļām dāmām, bet es vienmēr izjūtu žēlumu pret vecām, slimām kundzēm."
Smalkais stils, Onslovs: "Es nesaprotu, ja mums ar pērtiķiem kopīgi ir 985 gēnu un cilvēka gēnu ir tikai 2%, kāpēc man no rīta gribas smēķi, nevis banānu."
Simpsoni: "Paldies, ka izvēlējāties mani par savu slepkavu. Jūs sekosiet Sokrāta, Viržīnijas Vulfas, Ernesta Hemingveja, Hantera S. Tompsona un Freda Kanikī pēdās."
Simpsoni: "Sevi nogalināt nav tik viegli, kā uzvilkt neglītu džemperi - kā jūs to izdarījāt šorīt."
Recently I have spent quite some time near TV. As a side dish I'll be serving here a collection of the most unforgettable quotations, which, of course, I had easily forgot unless I didn't write them down. The accuracy of some of them is still questionable, but I've decided to pretend that this didn't concern me not to the least extent. The choice of quotations shows very well the range of broadcasts, that I have spent my time with the most. (Except for some cartoons and a silly doctor TV series, they didn't have anything quotable at all.)
Alarm for Cobra 11, one of the Semirs to a French man: "Take those frog legs out of your mouth, then talk to us."
Simpsons: "You know, you'll make some murderer very happy one day, but it shan't be me."
Garfield, having had just thrown out Odie out of the house: "Sometimes puppies need a little rougher love. It toughens personality."
Keeping Up Appearances, Onslow: "One can't be breadwinner and poet at the same time."
Keeping Up Appearances, Hyacinth to Richard: "I"m trying to make your life flow as long, quiet river, and this is how you repay me."
Simpsons: "Today's Topic: Jesus Hates You."
Keeping Up Appearances, Onslow: "I'm sitting here surrounded by not a single bottle of beer!"
Simpsons, Homer: "Bart, Bob is a family man now. You can't be a bad person if you have a family."
Poirot: "Little gifts can be so upsetting."
Poirot, Captain Hastings: "A good-looking girl has a hard time of it."
Keeping Up Appearances, Onslow: "I don't understand, if we share 98% genes with primates like apes and have only 2% human genes, why in the morning I want to have a smoke and not a banana."
Poirot: "Ah, Hastings. Always you are full of charitable feelings to the young ladies, who are beautiful, huh? As for me, I am always full of the charitable feelings to the old ladies, that have maladies."
Simpsons: "I am so honored that you've chosen me to murder you.
You'll be following in the footsteps of Socrates, Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, Hunter S. Thompson and Fred Kanickee."
Simpsons: "Killing yourself isn't as easy as putting on an ugly sweater like you did today."
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