Monday, December 31, 2012

Svešas mantas istabā /// The things in my room that are not mine

Kad istaba ir kārtīga un vairs neož pēc svešām mantām, pēkšņi ir kļuvis tik daudz laika; vairs nav jāizvairās no savas istabas un jādzīvo ar vainīgu apziņu par viņas nesakārtotību. Ziemassvētku brīnumiņš gandrīz. Svešām mantām lielos daudzumos piemīt zināms derdzīgums. Tas, ka viņas uzdrošinās nesmaržot pēc manas istabas, un ir tik neiederīgas, un, ja lietas nevienam īsti nepieder, nav nekāda saudzīguma un viegla mīļuma. Man patīk kārtot savas drēbes, pieskarties audumam un sīciņu brīdi domāt par viņu raksturu un visu, par ko man viņas liek domāt. Tā nav gluži laika pavadīšana viņās un ar viņām, drīzāk priecīga sasveicināšanās ar apskāvienu.
26. decembris man vispār ļoti patīk, jo tad neko nevajag darīt, tikai ēst mandarīnus un skatīties filmas. Mēs ar tēti šodien skatījāmies vienu un to pašu filmu, divatā un mērķtiecīgi, viņš ne reizi pat neiesnaudās. Tas tā neierasti. Šajās dienās man patīk Japānas dabiņa.

When my room is cleaned up and has ceased to spread foreign odours, all of a sudden I have got plenty of time. I don't have to avoid my room anymore, and now there's no need to feel guilty about not having cleaned it up. Almost a Christmas miracle. Foreign odours in noticeable amounts have their share of disgust. They dare to not smell like my very own room, they don't fit in. Also when things don't really belong to anyone, I don't feel any lenient to them nor fond of those things. I enjoy putting in order my own clothes, touching the fabric and for a wee bit of time reflecting on the character of the clothes and everything they make me think of. It's not exactly spending time in and with them, it's rather a cheerful saying hello which includes a hug.
I like the 26th of December in general, 'cause there's nothing that has to be done unless it's eating mandarins and watching movies. Today me and dad, we were watching the same movie, together and purposefully. He didn't even fall asleep, not even once. That's quite uncommon. These days I like Japan's nature.

manas un mīļas drēbes /// clothes, dear and mine

mans un mīļs kaķis /// cat, dear and mine