Vakar filmēšanas laukumā ieradās apmēram deviņus gadus vecs dvīņu pāris. Viņiem bija jāspēlē dvīņu brāļi, kuri kopā ar mammu dodas ar vilcienu uz pludmali. Sagrimēju vienu dvīni, un gribēju grimēt otru, bet otrais bija izvairīgāks. Viņš pakāpās nostāk un teica, ka nevēlas grimēties. Producents mēģināja viņu pierunāt un stāstīja, ka visi aktieri grimējas, lai kadrā nespīdētu, bet viņu tas nepārliecināja. Izvairīgajam dvīnim jautāja, vai viņam negribas, ka viņam liek uz sejas kaut ko, viņš īsti neatbildēja. Viņam jautāja, vai viņš kautrējas, un Eduards atbildēja, ka, jā, viņš kautrējoties.
Dvīņu mammu bija paredzēts spēlēt Diānai, kurai pašai ir līdzīgo dvīņu puiku pāris. Kad Diāna viņiem jautājot, nu vai viņiem patīk, ka viņi ir līdzīgi, viņi sakot, ka, jā, patīkot. Bet tas droši vien tikai tāpēc, ka mamma jautājot. Sagrimējusies Diāna piegāja dvīņu mammai apjautāties, kā iet ar dvīņu audzināšanu, un Eduarda un Paula mamma atbildēja, ka šis jau tāds mierīgs periods.
Dvīņu zēniem bija līdzi mazītiņš brālis Marts, kuram tika iedalīta meitenītes Annas brālīša loma, un Marts lomas sagatavošanas darbiem piegāja nopietni. Tūlīt pat viņš devās pie Annas iepazīties un gaidot bezmaz vai visu dzīvi izstāstīja, lēkājot no vienas tēmas pie otras, no vecmāmiņas šūpolēm pārceļoties uz gastronomiskām pieredzēm.
Eduardam un Paulam savs kadrs bija kādu laiku jāpagaida - piecu desmitgadnieku grūstīšanās uz perona filmēšana neveicās pārmēru veikli. Kamēr viens dvīnis nāca paziņot, ka, cerams, drīz filmēšot viņus, jo viņiem ir apnicis gaidīt, otrs garšļaukus gulēja uz perona.
Galu gala pienāca arī Paula un Eduarda kārta, bet kadrēšanās nebija gluda kā zīda diedziņš, jo Eduards kautrējās un nevēlējās dot roku Diānai. Dvīņu mammu beigās pierunāja iefilmēties, viņai un Diānai piešķīra vēl vienu bērnu - miesīgo brāli Martu, kurš bija priecīgā mierā ar visu, kas notiek - un ūdens pudeli; dvīņiem iešķieba bumbu, lai nav jāturas pie rokas. Eduards un Pauls līksmi attālinājās no ūdens pudeļu, mammu un mazo brāļu pulciņa, lai uzspēlētu bumbu. Kad režisore teica, lai Pauls nāk tuvāk, jo viņš ir ārpus kadra, Pauls braši un mērķtiecīgi kāpās atpakaļ. Jo vairāk balstiņas kliedza: "Nāc šurpu!", jo tālāk Pauls smaidīgi kāpās. Eduards ieteicās, ka viņam vajag otrādi visu teikt, un pats teica Paulam: "Ej prom!" Man nekad nebija licies, ka apgrieztā psiholoģija var darboties tik tieši, bet, skatoties, kā Pauls tuvojās Eduardam, šķita, ka tieši to tā psihologija darīja. Tā kā es atrados tuvāk zēniem, tālāk no pārējiem, teicu Paulam, lai viņš iet tālāk, cerībā, ka mūsu divas balstiņas būs pietiekamas, un Pauls, priecīgi smaidīdams, čāpoja tuvāk.
Bildes ir no Līgas Spundes dvīņu projekta. Viņa sacerēja dziesmu, uzfilmēja video un pat fotosesiju, kurā mēs visu savu līdzību kā uz delnas izliekam, uztaisīja. "Dvīņu dziesmā" ir tā, ka īstenībā mēs abas tur dziedam, bet video izskatās tā, ka Lāsma divās balsīs dzied un vēl flautu iesvilpo.
Finally it was time for Eduards and Pauls to shoot, yet the framing did not pass as smoothly as a silky thread. Eduards said, he felt shy, and he did not want to give his hand to Diana. At last twins' mum was convinced to play the mum; she and Diana received an additional kid - the kindred brother Marts, who was cheerful about everything that was happening and didn't mind a thing - and a bottle of water. The twin brothers got a ball, which cancelled the need to give hand to hold. Eduards and Pauls merrily went further and further away from the tiny crowd of water bottles, mums and little brother's to play the ball. When the director told Pauls to come closer, as he was completely out of the shot, Pauls purposefully and decisively stepped back. Eduards uttered that Pauls had to be told the other way round and said himself: "Go away!" I never thought the reverse psychology could work this directly, but seeing Pauls approaching Eduards, seemed that this was exactly what that psychology was doing. As I was closer to boys, further from others, I told Pauls to move further away, hoping that our two tiny voices would be enough, and Pauls, quite happily started to pace in our direction.
Pictures make part of Liga Spunde's twins project. She composed a song, made music video and even did photo shoot, where we displayed all the twin resemblance we have got. In "Twin song" actually both of us sing, although in music video it looks like Lasma sings in two voices and whistles in flute tones when she's free from singing.
Galu gala pienāca arī Paula un Eduarda kārta, bet kadrēšanās nebija gluda kā zīda diedziņš, jo Eduards kautrējās un nevēlējās dot roku Diānai. Dvīņu mammu beigās pierunāja iefilmēties, viņai un Diānai piešķīra vēl vienu bērnu - miesīgo brāli Martu, kurš bija priecīgā mierā ar visu, kas notiek - un ūdens pudeli; dvīņiem iešķieba bumbu, lai nav jāturas pie rokas. Eduards un Pauls līksmi attālinājās no ūdens pudeļu, mammu un mazo brāļu pulciņa, lai uzspēlētu bumbu. Kad režisore teica, lai Pauls nāk tuvāk, jo viņš ir ārpus kadra, Pauls braši un mērķtiecīgi kāpās atpakaļ. Jo vairāk balstiņas kliedza: "Nāc šurpu!", jo tālāk Pauls smaidīgi kāpās. Eduards ieteicās, ka viņam vajag otrādi visu teikt, un pats teica Paulam: "Ej prom!" Man nekad nebija licies, ka apgrieztā psiholoģija var darboties tik tieši, bet, skatoties, kā Pauls tuvojās Eduardam, šķita, ka tieši to tā psihologija darīja. Tā kā es atrados tuvāk zēniem, tālāk no pārējiem, teicu Paulam, lai viņš iet tālāk, cerībā, ka mūsu divas balstiņas būs pietiekamas, un Pauls, priecīgi smaidīdams, čāpoja tuvāk.
Bildes ir no Līgas Spundes dvīņu projekta. Viņa sacerēja dziesmu, uzfilmēja video un pat fotosesiju, kurā mēs visu savu līdzību kā uz delnas izliekam, uztaisīja. "Dvīņu dziesmā" ir tā, ka īstenībā mēs abas tur dziedam, bet video izskatās tā, ka Lāsma divās balsīs dzied un vēl flautu iesvilpo.
Yesterday on the set was a couple of 9 year old twin brothers. They had to play twin brothers who were headed to the beach in the company of their mum. I did make-up for one twin and was about to start with another one, still the last one was more elusive. He stepped aside and said, he didn't want any make-up. The producer tried to convince him, he was explaining that all actors wear make-up so that they didn't shine in the shot, but it wasn't enough. The elusive twin was asked whether he didn't want to have anything on his face, but he didn't reply clearly. Then he was asked, did he feel shy, and Eduard replied that, yes, he was shy.
Diana was supposed to take the role of twin brothers' mum, and she happens to own a pair of identical twin brothers of her own. Whenever Diana asks them: "Do you like to resemble each other?", they always say: "Yes, we do like it." Still she finds it's because it is their mum who's asking. Afterwards her make-up was done, Diana went to twins' mum to ask, how is it going with raising twins. The mum of Eduards and Pauls said it was quite okay right then, this was kind of peaceful period of time.
Twin brothers' little brother Marts came together with them. On the spot he received the role of the little brother of Anna, and he took the preparation for the role seriously indeed. Right away Marts introduced himself to Anna and told almost the whole story of his life, jumping from one theme to another, from grannies' swings moving onto gastronomic experiences.
Eduards and Pauls had to wait for a while - jostling of five 10 years old boys was not the quickest thing to shoot. While one twin came forward to announce that they hoped that they would be filmed soon, since they were notably bored, the other twin was lying at full length on platform.Twin brothers' little brother Marts came together with them. On the spot he received the role of the little brother of Anna, and he took the preparation for the role seriously indeed. Right away Marts introduced himself to Anna and told almost the whole story of his life, jumping from one theme to another, from grannies' swings moving onto gastronomic experiences.
Finally it was time for Eduards and Pauls to shoot, yet the framing did not pass as smoothly as a silky thread. Eduards said, he felt shy, and he did not want to give his hand to Diana. At last twins' mum was convinced to play the mum; she and Diana received an additional kid - the kindred brother Marts, who was cheerful about everything that was happening and didn't mind a thing - and a bottle of water. The twin brothers got a ball, which cancelled the need to give hand to hold. Eduards and Pauls merrily went further and further away from the tiny crowd of water bottles, mums and little brother's to play the ball. When the director told Pauls to come closer, as he was completely out of the shot, Pauls purposefully and decisively stepped back. Eduards uttered that Pauls had to be told the other way round and said himself: "Go away!" I never thought the reverse psychology could work this directly, but seeing Pauls approaching Eduards, seemed that this was exactly what that psychology was doing. As I was closer to boys, further from others, I told Pauls to move further away, hoping that our two tiny voices would be enough, and Pauls, quite happily started to pace in our direction.
Pictures make part of Liga Spunde's twins project. She composed a song, made music video and even did photo shoot, where we displayed all the twin resemblance we have got. In "Twin song" actually both of us sing, although in music video it looks like Lasma sings in two voices and whistles in flute tones when she's free from singing.
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Lāsma, Elīna |
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