Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Visi, kuri zina Hondurasu /// All those who know Honduras

- ko nu skaties pulkstenī, lesiju vairs nerāda.
- tas tavs dabiskais nejaukums!

mamma manu pārmetumu lāsmai uztvēra nedaudz personiski, jo tēvs taču nav nejauks, un no kurienes gan lāsmai tad ir tas iedzimtais nejaukums, ja ne no viņas. acīmredzot reizēm jāievēro piesardzības pasākumi, apsaukājot miesīgu māsu.
tad es iedomājos vienu ļoti labu vārdu, un gribēju, lai mēs paspēlējam vārdu spēli, jo būtu grēks tik labu vārdu laist zudībā. lāsma teica, ka viņai jau tās vārdu spēles labi sanāk, un, jāatzīst, viņa ir visai rūdīta spēlmane ar stāžu. to pāris mēnešu laikā, kamēr viņa stopēja pa eiropu, viņa diezgan labi satrenējās, jo, kad visi sarunu temati apsīka, bija jāķeras pie vārdu spēles.
tas bija patiešām labs vārds, un es gandrīz visu laiku teicu 'nē' vai arī 'nu, pārāk jau nav'. lāsma nolēma, ka vispirms jāuzmin cilvēku grupa, kam tā lieta tuva - galu galā tieši tā viņa reiz atminēja klāva vārdu 'grēks'. kad noskaidrojās, ka kristiešiem tā lieta ir, bet citiem nav sevišķi aktuāla, uzreiz dzīve atvieglojās.
ģeogrāfi tomēr bija izmanīgāki par kristiešiem un tik viegli rokās nedevās, un beigās lāsma azimutu neatminēja. tiešam labs vārds. varbūt mazliet pārāk labs, jo es pavidam arī ieguglēju definīciju, lai varētu teikt pārliecinošākus 'nē'.
lāsmai gan tas nešķita labs vārds, viņasprāt, azimuts ir reāli muļķīgs vārds, ko iedomāties, neviens taču tādu nezina. viņai jau vispār nepatīk, ja es izvēlos kādu ģeogrāfijas vārdu. vienreiz, kad es pašsaprotamā kārtā izvēlējos vārdu 'hondurasa', viņai vajadzēja brītiņu laika, lai pieņemtu domu, ka tāda valsts patiesi eksistē.

- manuprāt, visi, kuri zina hondurasu, ir ģeogrāfijas zubri.


- why do you look at the clock, they don't show Lassie anymore anyways.
- that innate dis-niceness of yours!

mum took my reproach to lasma sort of personally. since dad isn't 'not nice', where does this dis-niceness of lasma come from if not from her. i obviously have to take into account some precautionary measures before calling my kindred sibling names.
then a really good word popped into my mind, and i wanted to play word game, so that the great word gets full use of its greatness. it would have been such a pity to waste such a peach of a word. lasma told us she was pretty good at word game, and i have to admit, she really is a decent player with impressive experience. she got quite good at the word game during the hitch-hiking months in europe, when they had to turn to the old, good word game at the moment they ran out of conversation subjects.
it really was such a good word. i nearly always had to answer with "no" or "well, not really". (the rules of game in short - one person imagines no matter what word, and the other one tries to guess it by asking polar questions.) at first lasma decided to start with guessing the group of people whom this word might concern. after all that was the technique which enabled her to guess klavs' word "sin". when she realized that christians own this thing while others are not really concerned about it, the life got easier at the very same moment.
yet geographers were more cunning than christians and did not give in that easily, and in the end lasma hadn't guessed "azimuth". such a great word. it might be even a wee bit too great, since even i had to google a bit the definition of azimuth during the game to enable myself telling sounder "no's".
lasma didn't find it so amazing. according to her, "azimuth" was a pretty silly word to choose, no one is aware of its existence! she doesn't appreciate me picking geography words at all actually. once when i self-evidently picked "honduras , she needed some time to recover and accept that there was such a state in the world for real.

- i think that everyone who knows honduras, is a geo geek.

ģeorāfijas zubris (un Gints) /// geo geek (and Gints)
zina, kas ir Hondurasa un ka azimuts atrodams ģeogrāfijā /// knows what Honduras is and that azimuth can be found in geography
ģeogrāfijas nūģis (un Likijs) /// geo  noob (and Likijs)
domā, ka Hondurasa ir kaut kāds sabraficēts izdomājums, un regulāri jauc Helsinkus ar Oslo /// thinks that Honduras is a made-up concept and consistently mixes up Helsinki with Oslo

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mana dārgā ģimene /// My sweet family

Es: "Kopš atbraukšanas no Skotijas man mati kļuvuši taisnāki."
Mamma: "Nu re, aizbrauci uz Skotiju - kļuvi par aitu."
Es: "?!!"
Lāsma: "Bet aitiņa taču ir jauks zvēriņs. Tāpat kā govis un kaziņas. Un galu galā arī zābaki un cirvji ir noderīgi priekšmeti."

Lāsma: Es pieskaros eļļas burciņai! [Tovakar es biju diezgan verbāli eksplicīta attiecībā uz lietām, kuras tobrīd darīju.]
Es: Ak, nu kāpēc tu esi tik nejauka, es nesaprotu!
Mamma: Gandrīz jau bakalaurs, un vēl nesaprot!
Es: :((((
Lāsma: Piedod, es nevarēju atturēties.

Me: "My hair has become straighter since I got back from Scotland."
Mum: "You see - went to Scotland and become a sheep."
Me: "?!!"
Lasma: "But sheep is such a nice animal. As well as cows and goats. And after all, a mug can be quite handy sometimes.

Lasma: I'm touching the oil jar!  [I was being pretty verbally explicit in what I was doing that evening.]
Me: Ah, why are you so harsh, I don't understand!
Mum: Almost graduated, and yet doesn't understand!
Me:  :(((((((
Lasma: Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ka tikai mana kleita mainīsies /// That only my dress will change

Šobrīd ir ļoti jauki.
Es savos akadēmiskajos nolūkos lasu tik mīlīgas lietas. otrās puses franču dzejnieki, kad raksta proziņu, ir apburoši. Bodlērs par drēbēm un kosmētiku spriež, un šobrīd man repertuārā ir Mallarmē La Dernière Mode, kur viņš kā De Pontī kundze 8lappušu žurnālīšos stāsta un klāsta, kas šobrīd modē un kādi aksesuāri šim brīdim paši neaizstājamākie. Bez Margaritas De Pontī viņš laipni pieņēma arī dažu citu sieviešu identitātes, jo ne jau viena pati žurnāliste visu žurnālīti pierakstīs. De P. kundze bija pieredzes bagāta, un šķiet, rūpējās par ģimenes dzīvi, Mis Satīna toties informēja par aizrobežu aktualitātēm. Un platoniskie dialogi, kur Mallarmē risina inscinētas koresponces ar lasītājiem, tie arī piemīlīgi. Viņš ir visai jūsmīgs, liek diezgan daudz izsaukuma zīmju (droši vien tāpēc, ka zem sievietes pseidonīma, un tas uzliek zināmu slogu), un komentētāji domā, ka pat, ja tas izskatās ironiski, tad sirds dziļumos viņam mode un drēbes noteikti patīk, jo tik lielu sajūsmu pat ar ironiju nenomaskēsi.


Right now it's pretty nice.
For my academic purposes I'm now reading such lovely things. The French poets from the second half of the 19th century, when writing prose, are adorable. Baudelaire discusses clothes and cosmetics; currently I'm having La Dernière Mode by Stéphane Mallarmé in my repertoire where he spreads his word under the name of Madame De Ponty in 8-page fashion journals, narrating what's actual right now and which are the indispensable must-have items at this moment. Besides Marguerite De Ponty he kindly acquired a couple more female identities, since to write down the whole journal for one single journalist, that would have been too harsh. Madame de P. was a well experienced lady, who, so it seems, was leading family life and took care of children and husband, whereas Miss Satin was able to inform all the curious readers about foreign novelties. And the Platonic dialogues, where Mallarmé develops staged correspondences between readers and journalist, their simply awesome. He's refreshingly enthusiastic, puts quite a few exclamation marks here and there (my guess is, it's because of the female pseudonym which adds its fair share of pressure). Commentators generally hold a view that, even though the writing sometimes might seem slightly ironic or overdone, at the bottom of heart he has to like fashion and clothing, since enthusiasm this big cannot be disguised.

Stéphane Mallarmé

Photographies de Mme Méry Laurent.

Blanche japonaise narquoise
Je me taille dès mon lever
Pour robe un morceau bleu turqouise
Du ciel à qoui je fais rêver.

Très fidèle à mes amitiés
Dans un bleu reflet qui s'argente
Sous un, si vous en doutiez !
Que ma robe seule est changeante.

Je ne sais pourqoui je vêts
Ma robe de clair de lune
Moi qui, déesse, pouvais
Si bien me passer d'aucune.


White Japanese mischievous
I cut myself as soon as I rise
For a dress a piece of the blue turquoise
Sky of which I dream.


Always true to my friendships
Clothed in a silvery blue reflected light
Would you for any reason doubt me!
That only my dress will change.


I do not know why I keep wearing
My moonlight-colored dress
Since I, a goddess, might
Very well wear none.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Aristokrātiskums /// Aristocracy

Pēdējās dienās ir Elizabetes svētki, atkal nodeva rojāliskam britiskumam.
Skatījos viņs pārraidi, bet, atklāti sakot, biju vīlusies, jo koncertā nudien no aristokrātiskuma bija vien pāris pilītes, ko no slapjām drēbēm izgriezt. Bija kaut kas, kas izklausījās pēc popielas, vai karaokes, un vēl dziedāja lokans boyband's, kuriem darbība bija ar skubu jāpārtrauc, jūtot neizbēgamo 2000o tuvošanos. Bet šis izskatījās tik jauns un sprauns, ka viņa eksistencei attaisnojamības nav.
Nepietiekami aistokrātiski. Taču, kas mani patiesi iepriecināja, bija apstāklis, ka Elizabetei par godu notika pikniks ar lūgtiem viesiem. Karaliskais pikniks, kur nu vēl burvīgāk! Es tādā labprāt piedalītos. Godīgi sakot, gan jebkādā piedalītos. Tie parastie jau arī ir labi; lai cik glīši būtu 1900. gada meiteņu skolas pikniki Valentīna dienā, labi ir beigās arī nenomirt.
Ja jūs neiebilstat, es labprāt uzskaitītu karaliskā piknika groza saturu:

  • Britu lauku dārza aukstā zupa
  • Tējā kūpināts skotu lasis
  • Diamond Jubilee vista
  • Veģetārais ēdiens: šampinjonu parfē
  • Svaigi ceptas maizītes
  • Sviests
  • Sezonas dārzeņu uzkodas
  • Citronu un ķimeņu Madeiras kūciņa
  • Šokolādes kūciņa
  • Sandringemas zemeņu drumstalmaize
  • Čedaras un sarkanais Leičesteras siers
  • Auzu biskvīti
  • Augļu čatnijs
Plusiņi :

  • 12 salvetes
  • Caurspīdīgas plastmasas galda piederumi un servjete
  • Diamond Jubilee pončo
  • Karogs

Un akurāt tajā pašā dienā es ieraudzīju pirmo un vienīgo piknika grozu, kas vairāk vai mazāk (drīzāk jau mazāk, bet man nešķiet, ka varu atļauties būt izvēlīga šobrīd) atbilda manām piknika grozu prasībām. Jebkurā gadījumā, sliktākajā gadījumā būs vienkārši vīna dzeršana brīvā dabā - man tagad ir kaste, kurā pārvietot vīna vai šampanieša pudeles. ieraudzīju veikalā, meklējot pavisam citu kasti, un sapratu, ka alkohola pudeļu pārnēsāšana līdz šim ir apgrūtinājusi manu pastāvēšanu ar savu nešarmantumu. Smuki saģērbies, sajūta tāda smalka, bet tad kaut kāda pudele, kas jāpārvieto!! Gandrīz vai jākļūst par atturībnieku, sastopoties ar šādiem izaicinājumiem.

Šodien bija diezgan daudz aristokrātiskuma. Ir jūnija sākums un joprojām, ir pavēss, un tam visam nāk klāt zināma ekskluzivitāte un aristokrātiskums. Ir vasara, bet drīkst saģērbties. Forši. Šodien vilku blūzi ar augstu apkakli, tur arī drusku tā pareizā pieskaņa.
Un šodien, klausoties savu kursabiedru bakalaura aizstāvēšanas, sapratu, ka studēt filozofiju ir tik sasodīti aristokrātiski, nē, bet tiešām! Ne tikai tāpēc, ka filozofu akadēmiķi vīrieši ir iecienījuši džemperus ar augsto apkakli, tā visa atturīgā un attālinātā noskaņa. Reizēm jau liekas, ka pietrūkst zināma dzīvīguma un dzīvelības, bet tad atkal, tik skaisti un nedaudz pat izredzēti. Un man nudien šodien nedaudz sametās žēl, ka nākamgad man  tā visa nebūs. Man ļoti mīļa pasniedzēja apsēdās priekšā, izņēma no iepakojuma  savu jauno estētikas žurnālu un iedeva man paskatīties. Žurnāls bija patiešām jauks, un es tajā brīdī gribēju, lai tā būtu arī nākamgad. Ko nu vairs, pati vainīga.
Uznāca tik sasodīta nostalģija par visiem maniem kursabiedriem, man viņi tiešām šausmīgi patīk. Es nedomāju, ka man, ja arī es studēšu kādreiz maģistros (un es varētu studēt maģistros; studēšana ir jauka nodarbe, un ar patīkamu uzslāņojumu), būs tik jaukiņi un mīļi kursabiedri. Sesijas un bakalauru laikos visi interenetā kopīgi cieš un psiho, un met vienu pēc otras tik jestras piezīmītes.
Domāju par visiem šiem trijiem gadiem, kas vadīti filozofijas paspārnē, un tie ir bijuši ļoti labi gadi. Man patika. Un ir tik žēli, ka nu viss. Man gan vēl rēķini nav noslēgti, vēl bakalaurs jāuzraksta, un laikam šitā izlaiduma man nebūs, bet visa tā kursabiedru / fakultātes daļa ir garām. Tagad kaut kā gribas rakstīt to darbu, un pienācīgi viņu uzrakstīt. Lai nav nožēlojams sūds, lai ir zināms aristokrātisks elitārisms.

Last days have been dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II celebrations, so I dedicate this post to the Royal and the British, again.
I was watching the Diamond Jubilee broadcast, but I have to admit I was disappointed. This concert contained drops of nobleness in only such amounts that they could easily be wrung out of wet clothing. It rather rang of karaoke, and there was this springy boy band which should have stopped its musical activities awaiting the inevitable approaching of 2000s. Although this one looked so young and lively, one simply could not justify their existence.
Not enough nobleness. What I did like though, was the fact that Buckingham Palace gardens held picnic with invited guests. The Royal picnic, is there anything more adorable! I would love to take part in one like this. Frankly speaking, would love to join any picnic. The common ones are not that bad either; be the girls school's St. Valentine's Day picnics in 1900s ever so pretty, it is nice not to die at the end.
If you don't mind, I would like to share the content of Buckingham Palace Picnic Hamper:
  • Chilled British country garden soup
  • Tea-smoked Scottish salmon
  • Diamond Jubilee chicken
  • Vegetarian option: mushroom parfait
  • Fresh bread rolls
  • Country Life butter
  • Crunchy seasonal crudités
  • Lemon and caraway Madeira cupcake
  • Chocolate indulgence cupcake
  • Sandringham strawberry crumble crunch
  • Waitrose West Country farmhouse cheddar and red Leicester
  • Duchy Originals from Waitrose oaten biscuits
  • Duchy Originals from Waitrose harvest chutney

  • 12 Hand wipes
  • Clear plastic cutlery and napkin
  • Diamond Jubilee poncho
  • Union flag

Right at the same day I saw the first and only picnic hamper which more or less (rather less, but I don't think I can afford to be picky right now) met my aspirations. Anyways, in the worst case there will be just drinking in greenery - now I have got box for carrying wine or Champagne bottles. I spotted it whilst looking for another box, and immediately realized that transporting alcohol has been a burden with its anti-charm. You dress up nicely, feel quite fine, but then there is a disturbing bottle which is supposed to be transported!! One almost have to consider abstaining, when meeting such challenges.

Today there was quite a lot of nobleness. It is the beginning of June and it is still pretty chilly, and it has certain exclusiveness and aristocratic characteristics. It is summer now, but one is allowed to bundle up, isn't that nice. Today I wore a high blouse, which has a hint of nobleness, I think.
And today while listening to classmates thesis presentations, I came to realize that studying philosophy, it is so aristocratic, I mean, seriously, it really is! Not only because of academic male philosophers' liking toward high-neck sweaters; because of all the reserved and detached mood. Sometimes I do find lack of vitality and liveliness thee, but then again, it is something so beautiful and pretty selected. And today I really was sorry about not having any of this the next year. A very dear professor of mine sat today in the front of me, took a brand new Aesthetics journal out of her handbag and gave it to me to have a look on it. That was such a nice journal, and I right away wished to have something like this also the next year. Can't do anything about it now, and can only blame myself for it.
An then some blamed nostalgia about all my classmates arrived, I really do like them heaps. I don't think, even if I at some point of time will be studying for a Master's degree (and I might be doing that; it is a nice thing to do, to study, it has some pleasant vibes), I will ever have such nice and sweet classmates. During the hard times of exams and thesis everyone suffers and raves on the Internet together, and throws one funny remark after another.
I think about those three years spent under the wing of philosophy, and they have been very good years. I liked them. It is a pity that it's all there was. My scores have not been settled yet, I've still got a thesis to write, and I won't be having this graduation, still all that classmate/ faculty part is gone. And now I even want to write that thesis, and to write it more or less decently. So that is isn't some miserable piece of shit, so that there is some tiny aristocratic elitism.

Katrīna, baltā blūzē un zīmuļsvārkos, ar mūsu pēdējo zīmīti kā kartīti /// Katrina, in white blouse and pencil skirt, with our very last class chit, which looks like a postcard

Elīna, baltā blūzē un plisētos svārkos, ar mūsu pēdējo zīmīti, tik smuku kā kartīti /// Elina, in white blouse and pleated skirt, with our last classsroom chit, as pretty as a postcard


kā man patīk tā māja /// how I love that house

Duthie Park

River Dee