Tas bija tad, kad karaliskās kāzas vēl nemaz nebija notikušas, pats aprīļa sākums pirms gada, 1. vai 2. datums, bet par tām zināma interese raisījās pat to vidū, kam viņas nepatika. Vispār man radās sajūta, ka diezgan daudzi (taču nepavisam ne visi) pavalstnieki nepienācīgi novērtē jaukā Velsas prinča vērienīgo laulību ceremoniju; viņiem labāk patīkot demokrātija. Bet, ak, kas gan tur tik politisks, ja princis precas un pasaulē kļūst par vienu princesi vairāk! (Lai gan Kembridžas hercogieni tā īsti nemaz nedrīkst saukt par princesi Ketrīnu, tomēr Viljamam tieši patiktu, ja viņa sievu dēvētu par princesi Ketrīnu, tāpēc varbūt mazlietiņ tomēr drīkst. Un jebkurā gadījumā nav nekā atļautāka par "princesi Viljamu".)
Mēs gājām gar jūru un pa pludmales promenādi, bija patīkami saulains, un man šķiet, ka arī bildēs ir smuka gaisma, bet varbūt man tā liekas tikai tāpēc, ka es tā atceros. Nekad jau nevar saprast, kā ir un kas tikai liekas. Par to man diezgan bieži žēl, pēdējā laikā gan mazāk. Tas bija pēdējās dienas rīts, un pēcpusdienā Jānis ar Ričardu brauca prom, bet vēl nekāds bēdīgums vēl nebija pienācis un bija pavisam priecīgi. Kad viņi bija aizbraukuši, es ēdu dīvainus ēdienus, ko viņi bija atstājuši, un pildīju ciet palikušo tukšumiņu.
The Royal Wedding had not yet taken place then as it was only the very beginning of April a year ago, the 1st or the 2nd of April, still even those who claimed to dislike all that getting-married-royally stuff had a certain interest in it. Actually I got the feeling that quite a bunch of citizens (although nowhere near all) did not appreciate the wedding ceremony of wide scope of the nice Prince of Wales properly; they preferred democracy, they said. But what is so politic about it when a prince is getting married and the world welcomes one more princess! (Although The Duchess of Cambridge cannot really be referred to as Princess Catherine, William has said he would rather prefer his wife being referred to as Princess Catherine, so maybe it is allowed a little, to call her like that. Anyways there is not a thing that is more allowed than "Princess William".)
We were walking on the beach and then took the beach promenade, the weather was pleasantly sunny, and I think the pretty light is visible also in the pictures, however I might think that way only 'cause I remember it that way. One can never understand, is it really so or it just seems to be like that. I pity that pretty much, recently not so frequently though. It was the last morning before Janis and Ricards left later that afternoon, but there was no sadness present yet. When they had left, I ate strange food that they had left behind and filled up the empty space inside me.

Ričards, vilks /// Ricards, wolf |
putns, kuru Jānis centīgi fotografēja /// a bird that Janis diligently took heaps of photos of |
Velsas simbols, kurš martā mētājas pa visu Skotiju /// The symbol of Wales, in March scattered everywhere in Scotland |
River Don ieteka jūrā /// River Don Mouth |
skaistā vīriešu draudzība /// the beauty of men's friendship |
Ziemeļjūra /// The North Sea |
filosofa paskats /// looking like a philosopher |
rokās konfektes /// candies in the hand |
Jānis kaut ko tur lēkā /// Janis behaving like Janis |
pozē divi monarhijas cienītāji (un vismaz viens gandrīz kāzu fans) /// two monarchy supporters (and at least one almost wedding fan) |
Jāņa foto /// photo by Janis |
šis arī /// this one as well |
a foreigner in Scotland |
sunītis! /// doggy! |
saruna ar sunīti /// chat with the doggy |
sunītis ar bumbiņu /// doggy's got a ball |
Jānis, Elīna, Ričards |
Jānis teica, ka viņš fotografē bildes, kas izskatās kā labās filmās /// Looks like in good movies, said Janis while taking pictures |
Photo: Jānis, Ričards, Elīna
P.S. Kad uzklikšķina uz bildes, viņas parādās tādā kā strīpiņā, lielas un visai pieņemamā kvalitātē.
P.S. When you click on a picture, they appear in a row or something, big and the quality seems to be pretty decent.
awww, man nenormāli patīk šis ieraksts!!!!!!!!!!!