Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kapsētas šūpoles /// The swing in a cemetery

1) Tas bija 3. maijā 2011. gadā, kad es ieklīdu vienā Edinburgas kapsētā. Man tur ļoti patika, tik gaiši un zaļi, un putnu piečivināti, nu burvīgi vienkārši. Nekad agrāk kapos nebiju manījusi šūpoles, bet tur vienas visā savā godībā bija, un es parasti pašūpojos lielākajā daļā šūpoļu, kuras ieraugu. Un šajās bija skats uz izskatīgu akmens māju, kapakmeņiem, zaļiem kokiem un zāli, estētiski un patīkami.
2) Aiz apvāršņa parādās manas pēdas. Balerīnkurpes liecina par labu adaptēšanos britu pasaulē. Varbūt kroņprinča sieva arī nemaz tik aktīvi balerīnkurpes nevalkā, tomēr pārējā britu sieviešu daļa gan. (Vēl man šķita, ka viņām patīk matus taisīt čupčikos. Kad es lidostā gaidīju reisu uz Rīgu, man apkārt bija uzkrītoši daudz sandaļu un slikti balinātu matu. Man it kā nav nekas pret sandalēm, bet slikti balinātus matus gan es kaut kā nevaru ciest. Tās neizturami pelēcīgi dzeltenīgi toņos izbalinātās šķipsnas, pati nesaprotu, kāpēc mani tas tā sāpina.)
3) Viens no skaistākajiem brīžiem ir, kad objektīvā iespīd saule.

1) It was the 3rd of May when I stepped into a cemetery of Edinburgh. I like it there loads, it looked so bright and green, the cemetery was full of birds' warbling, so wonderful indeed. I had never seen a swing in cemetery before, but in this cemetery there was one, and I usually try out the great majority of swings I come across. And this one provided a pretty view at a good-looking stone house, gravestones, green trees and grass, everything was so nice and pleasant.
2) My feet appear in the shot. Ballerinas testify a recognisable adaptation in the British world. The wife of the crown prince may not be the most active wearer of ballerinas, though the rest of the feminine part of Britons do that quite exposedly. (I also noticed their liking for hair buns. Whilst waiting for my flight to Riga, I could do nothing but spot a blaring multitude of sandals and badly bleached hair. I don't hold any grudges against sandals, although badly bleached hair is somehow out of my tolerance. Those bleached locks turned greyish and yellowish are simply unbearable, and I don't really have clue why do they hurt me so much.)
3) One of the most prettiest moments are when the sun shines into the camera.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sauss asfalts Skotijā /// Dry pavement in Scotland

Es gribu domāt par vasarīgi saplaukušiem kokiem, kuros ir spoži balta gaisma, un vēl es domāju par Aberdīnu. Katrīna pirms pāris dienām uz turieni aizlidoja, kaut gan vispār viņai ir bail lidot ar lidmašīnu. Tagad man par Aberdīnu, protams, jādomā vēl vairāk, bet tas ir ļoti patīkami. Ne gluži bez ilgām un nekāda sāpīguma, bet nu, tā jau tas notiek un laikam nekad īsti nepāriet un nenorimst. Es dažreiz velku drēbes, kuras es valkāju pirms gada, un tad es domāju par to, ka tā es mēdzu staigāt Aberdīnā, un 'pastaigāties Aberdīnā' ir ļoti laba sajūta. Kad es nesen tur biju ieradusies, es gribēju garu, tumši zilu samta kleitu.
Vakarā pirms viņas prombraukšanas mēs drusciņ satikāmies, Katrīnai rokās bija zeltīta metāla kastīte ar cukura cepumiem un mugurā brūns mētelis, un par visu bija tāda zeltaini patīkama sajūta, un priecīgi, man vienmēr patīk, kad ir priecīgi. Vakarā mēs parunājāmies par to, kur viņa dzīvos, ko būtu vislabāk vilkt, un ka vissvarīgākais laikam ir pastaigāties pa parkiem. Tajā dienā, kad Katrīnai bija lidojums uz Aberdīnu, es uzvilku zili puķainu kleitiņu un man matos bija zila samta lente, Aberdīnas pavasarītis. Rīgā bija zināms pēcziemas/ pirmspavasara pelēkums, kuram vismaz varēja iztēloties skotiskumu. Un kad es pirms vairāk nekā gada aizbraucu uz Skotiju, viens no pirmajiem iespaidiem bija, ka tur es staigāju pa sausu asfaltu; tā vienmēr ir uzkrītoša pavasara lieta - staigāt pa sausu asfaltu -, un šodien tas ar mani atkal atgadījās.
Es gribu salikt visādas bildes no Aberdīnas jūnijā, tur ir viskaut kas, kas man patīk, glītas ēkas ar kokiem, zvēriņi un tamlīdzīgi, un viss uz jūnija fona.

P.S. Šodien svinējām kaķa Ērika 2. dzimšanas dienu. Mamma teica, ka Ēriks ir tāds skaists kaķis, parasts, bet skaists. Es viņa šūpļa svētkiem par godu uzvilku rozā kapučdžemperīti ar Minniju (peli), parastu, bet skaistu. Džemperītis kā Ēriciņš.

I want to think about summery trees with bright lights in their leaves, and I also think about Aberdeen. Katrina went there few days ago, although she's afraid of going by plane. Now I have to think about Aberdeen even more, it's certainly nice though. Not exactly without any soreness and longing, but, well, I guess this is how it happens and most likely it never thoroughly passes and  fades away. Sometimes I put on the clothes I used to wear a year ago, and then I think about how I was walking around in Aberdeen, and "taking a walk in Aberdeen" is such a good feeling. When I had just arrived there, I wished I had a long midnight blue velvet dress.
The evening before she left we met for a little while, Katrina was holding a golden box with sugar cookies and wearing a brown coat, and I had a golden, warm feeling about everything, and it was cheerful, I always like, when it is cheerful. Later that night we talked about where she's gonna stay, what would be the best clothes to wear, and most likely the most important thing to do would be walking in the parks. The day Katrina had her flight to Aberdeen, I wore a blue floral dress I was wearing for the first Ceilidh dancing, and I had blue velvet ribbon in hair, the spring in Aberdeen.
In Riga there was a certain post-winter/ pre-spring greyness, which could be perceived as Scottish with a little touch by imagination. And when more than a year ago I arrived in Scotland, one of the first impressions was the fact that I was walking on dry pavement. It's always a striking spring thing - to be able to walk on dry pavement, and this is what happened to me today.
I want to post several pictures from Aberdeen in June, there are a lot of things I like, pretty houses with trees in front of them, animals and such things, and everything is in June.

P.S. Today we were celebrating cat Eriks' 2nd Birthday. Mum said, Eriks is such a pretty cat, common, still pretty. Considering his Birthday, I put on a pink hoodie with Minnie Mouse, common, still pretty. Hoodie like Eriks.

Seaton Park in June

St Machar's Cathedral

Līdz Aberdīnai es nezināju, ka man garšo mango /// I didn't know I like mango until Aberdeen

nākot atpakaļ no pludmales /// back from the beach
King's Crescent

kaiju neapēstie zaķīši /// hares not eaten by seagulls

kārtējais zvēriņu paparaci /// animal paparazzi again
Duthie Park

Marischal College

Pēdējais rīts Aberdīnā, ap 11.00, 2011. gada 10. jūnijs. Henna, Joana un es gājām pēdējā pastaigā uz jūru un šķērsojām Dona upes tiltiņu.
Last morning in Aberdeen, around 11am, 10h of June 2011. Henna, Joana and me were taking the last walk to the beach and crossing the Bridge of Don on our way.

E: I didn't see the dolphins.
J:  Oh... Maybe next time.
E: Hopefully.
H: Or somewhere else.