Īss pārskats par tēliem:
īsi, ruļļaini mati - Lāsma
bize - Elīna
protagonists - garais gadsimts
antagonists - sojas piens
E: Žēl, ka nav piena. L: Aizej pakaļ! |
E: Tu traka esi?! Ārā taču ir tik auksts un vējains! |
L: Labi, labi, man likās, ja tas ir tik svarīgi.. |
E: Nē, tas nav samērīgi. |
E: Es atradu, kur Dāvis Sīmanis runāja par 19.gs. un pārģērbšanos. L: Meklēji "Dāvis Sīmanis 19.gs."? E: Jā, "Dāvis Sīmanis gadsimts" |
E: Patīkami, ka vēl kāds vēlas pārģērbties pirms vakariņām. |
E. ierauga uzrakstu. !!!! |
L: In your face. |
E. un kafija ar 21.gs. produktu. |
A short overview of the main characters:
short, curly hair - Lasma
braid - Elina
protagonist - the long 19th century
antagonist - the soy milk
E: It's a pity there is no milk left. L: Go and get it! |
E: You're crazy?! It's too cold and windy outside! |
L: Okay, okay, I thought it's very important.. |
E: No, that wouldn't be adequate. |
E: I found where Davis Simanis was talking about the 19th century and changing attire. L: Did you search for "Davis Simanis 19th century"? E: Yes, "Davis
Simanis century" |
E: It's nice to know that someone else would like to change before dinner. |
E. notices the short text on the box !!!!! |
L: In your face. |
E. and coffee with a product of 21th century |
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