Valentīna dienai piemīt sarežģīta, ierobežota estētika, kuru pagaidām nešķiet viegli izvērst (un, visticamāk, tas nemaz nebūtu jādara, tie nav nekādi februāra Ziemassvētki), taču ir viena līnija, kura man šķiet brīnišķīga un viegli uztverama.
1975. gada Austrālijas filmā "Picnic at Hanging Rock" darbība notiek 1900. gada 14. februārī, kad meiteņu skola rīko izbraucienu uz klintīm. Meitenēm ir gaiši rozā kūka sirds formā, baltas kleitas ar mežģīnēm, melnas zeķes un zābaciņi, nogurdinošs dienasvidus karstums un vilkme doties pētīt klintis. Dienvidu puslodē 14. februārī var doties piknikā; Ziemeļu puslodē šajā laikā var slidot un sapņot par piknikiem.
Vai arī var atcerēties, jo ir, ko atcerēties.
Tas bija pirmais pikniks siltā jūlija dienā, kad mēs ar Katrīnu bijām nolēmušas īstenot plānu sēdēt zālītē un ēst labas lietas. Mēs abas tajā dienā strādājām, un pa dienu bija silts, taču pa laikam degunu pabāza lietus, un es sāku satraukties, ka pievakarē līs, un mēs nekādā piknikā neaiziesim. Es pažēlojos kolēģim, ka varbūt nevarēšu iet piknikā, jo līs lietus, un viņš teica, ka esmu jauna, skaista un neprecēta, un man nevajadzētu neiet piknikā. Un tā ir, mēs ar Katrīnu esam diezgan drosmīgas meitenes (Katrīna ir drosmīga, un kopā vieglāk uzturēt drosmi) un neļāvāmies lietum mūs iebiedēt.
Mēs gājām uz Viesturdārzu pa Kluso centru, kurš mums ir mīļš rajons un kuru mēs esam kopīgi apdzīvojušas ar uzslāņojumiem. (Bet pirms tam un joprojām mums viņš patīk arī atsevišķi.) Prātojām, ka varbūt kādreiz esam spēlējušās vienā smilšu kastē, vai vismaz uzturējušās parciņā vienā un tajā pašā laikā, un pievērsām uzmanību vēstniecībām. Un vispār mēs tik priecīgi runājāmies, brīnišķīgs esamības stāvoklis, un jūlija dienas pievakares skaistums. Brīžiem uzlija, dieviņš varbūt pārbaudīja mūsu uzticību piknika idejai. Mēs nepadevāmies, taču man nebūtu nekas pretī, ja nebūtu pārbaudījis. Divatā lietus piknikā nav tik nepārvarams, un piknika norise bija gluda. Mūsu pikniks un pēcpiknika pastaiga bija maģiska, sāka krēslot, un tas parasti nodrošina zināmu skaistumu, tomēr es līdz īsti nesaprotu, no kurienes ieradās maģiskums.
Valentine's Day has got this difficult, limited aesthetics, and as for now, I don't find it easy to get past the initial phase of red hearts (and most probably, I shouldn't even be doing that, since I'm alright with red and hearts, and after all this is no Christmas in February). Still there is one asthetic direction I find utmost bewitching and easy to grasp.
In the Australian movie "Picnic at Hanging Rock" (1975) the whole mystic string of events started on the 14th February 1900, when girl's school was having an outing on the rocks. The girls had blush pink Valentine's cake in the shape of a heart, white lawn dresses with lace, black socks and lace boots, a tiring midday heat and a longing to go explore the rocks. In the Southern hemisphere on the 14th February one can go out for a picnic; those inhabiting the Northern part of the globe get to ice skate and daydream on summery picnics.
Or one can look back for memories on picnics, if there's something to recall.
Or one can look back for memories on picnics, if there's something to recall.
That was the first picnic in warm July, when Katrina and I had decided to carry out our plan to sit on the urban grass and eat nice things. We both were working during the day, and it was pleasantly warm during the day, but now and then some very rainy raindrops introduced us to themselves. I started to worry that there wouldn't be any picnic after all. I mentioned my poor prospects of picnic to a colleague, and he said that I was young, beautiful and unmarried, so I shouldn't not got to a picnic. He was quite right about it; Katrina and I are decently brave girls (at least Katrina is, and braveness comes easier together), so we didn't let the rain frighten us off.
We went to the Viestudarzs, making our way through the Still centre, which we have grown fond of. (Until then each of us had stories about the Still centre of our own and we still do.) We think that maybe sometime in our early days we were on the same playground, or at least visiting the same park in the same time. We paid attention to the embassies too, there were lots of them. Mainly we spent our time cheerfully chatting, this was a marvelous way of being, the beauty of early evening in July. Occasionally we got some raindrops visiting, probably god was testing our devotion to the idea of picnic. We didn't give in, still I wouldn't have mind he didn't test us at all. For two together rain on a picnic is not that insuperable, and all in all all went smooth. Our picnic and after-picnic walk was magical, the twilight was breaking out and this usually ensures certain amount of beauty. But I don't entirely understand where did that magic come from.
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vēstniecību apkārtnē /// around embassies |
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lietusmētelis lieliskais /// Raincoat the Great |
lietus krāsu intensitātei nāk par labu /// rain is doing good things to the intensity of colours |
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Sarta "Nelabums" ar nelabu vāku /// Sartre's "Nausea" with slightly nauseous cover |
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melleņu tēma /// blueberry theme |
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ugundzēsēu depo /// a fire station |
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Forumīša gaismiņas krēslā /// magic lights in twilight |
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koku rinda /// trees in a line |
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vislabākā gaisma /// the best light |