Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ej prom, dzīvā daba! /// Go away, you living nature!

Elīna, Jānis un Ričards piknikā. Dievinu mājas video.

Elina, Janis and Ricards on a  picnic. Love home video.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Saudzēt kaķa jūtas /// Spare the feelings of cat

Mamma Lāsmai, kad viņa mēģināja apsēsties pārāk tuvu kaķim, lai viņš ne mazākajā mērā netaptu traucēts:  .. saudzē vismaz Likija jūtas!
Elīna: Viņa nezina, kā tas ir, saudzēt jūtas.
Lāsma: Kā, es regulāri saudzēju jūtas!
Elīna: Manas?
Lāsma: Nē, tavas es audzēju.


Mum to Lasma, when the latter one was about to sit down on sofa too close to not disturb the cat, so that he wouldn't get disturbed not even to the least extent:  .. at least spare the feelings of Likijs!
Elina: She doesn't know how is it, to spare someone's feelings.
Lasma: What? I spare feelings on a regular basis!
Elina: Mine?
Lasma: No, yours I grow*.

* Originally in Latvian "to grow" rhymes with "to spare" in a beautiful manner. It would sound like "spare" and "pare", in case this "pare" had the desire to mean "grow". Which it unfortunately doesn't. I really don't envy translators, you can't spare everything nice.