Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mazās Mijas acis un ābolītis /// Red apple and Little My's eyes

Tas bija tiešām ļoti sen. Izskatās pēc Mazās Mijas acīm, manuprāt. (Tā dusmīgā no Trollīša Mumina. Viņa nebija gluži dusmīga, bet uzskatīja, ka neviens cits bez viņas tajā mājā neprot dusmoties.)
Vai arī! Man tikko ienāca prātā, ka mazlietiņ atgādina arī Brūnīša acis. Brūnītis bija mans bērnības sabiedrotais kopš 3 gadu vecuma. Kā jau gorillas pērtiķītim pieklājas, viņa skatiens nebija pats saulainākais, kāds jebkad redzēts šaipus Urāliem, un man diezgan bieži bija jāatbild uz jautājumu: "Kāpēc viņš ir tik dusmīgs?" un es vienmēr teicu: "Viņš nav dusmīgs, viņš ir domīgs!" un, visticamāk, paskatījos nedaudz pikti.

Looks like Little My's eyes I think. (The angry one from The Moomins/ Mumintroll. She might not be exactly angry though, she found the other habitants of the house unable to be angry properly.)
Or! It just popped into my mind that this also resembles the eyes of Brunitis a little ("Brunitis" - "The little brown one" in translation from Latvian, however strange that might sound. He was brown, okay?). Brunitis was my loyal companion since the age of 3. As it becomes for a young gorilla gentleman, his look was not the most sunny shiny one that has been seen on this side of the Urals, and pretty often I had to answer to such  a question: "Was is he so angry?" I always said: "He is not angry, he's thoughtful!" and most possibly threw a slightly irritated look.

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