Es labāk nemaz neatkārtošu, ko nejaušā kārtā lasīju par nagu lakām un viņu kaitīgajām vieliņām, citādi kāda jūtīgāka dvēsele vēl atteiksies no to ieviešanas savā ikdienas pasaulītē. (Ieskatam, nagu lakas ir līdzīgi nelāgas vafelēm un viņu transtaukskābēm. Nepatīkami, protams. ) Patīkami tas nav ne nieka. Nagu lakas ļoti labi noder, kad ir ap 3 naktī, jāmācās eksāmenam vai vismaz jāiet gulēt, tad var nolakot nagus, pakāpt maliņā no visa, kas gāžas virsū, un ierasties uz eksāmenu, ja ne ar skaidru un apskaidrotu galvu, tad tīkama toņa nagiem. Kas arī nav maz.
Dažreiz pareizā tonī nokrāsoti nagi vienkārši ļoti labi izskatās, un katru reizi, kad viņus gadās uzlūkot, var nodomāt, ka ir arī pasaulē lietas, par kurām pieņemti pareizie lēmumi. Man reiz bija nokrāsoti nagi neticami perfektā rozā tonī. Kad es atvēru piena paku, viņi burvīgi izcēlās uz pakas vāciņa piesātinātā zaļuma. Kad lauzu šokolādes gabaliņu, atkal saskaņa priekšā.
Nagu lakošana var būt arī kāda plašāka brīža piestāvīgs posmiņš. Šopavasar, kad man 3 dienas pēc kārtas bija jānodod (un jāuzraksta) pa esejai, pēc pēdējās esejas iesniegšanas es apsēdos zālītē pie savas Harija Potera universitātes, atšķīru eseju karstumā pienākušu lielisku dzimšanas dienas dāvanu - žurnālu Gentlewoman -, izvilku jaunu nagu laku, un uznāca viegla, matēta, noturīga miera sajūta. Šķirstīju žurnālu, lasīju par sievietēm, kas dejo, dzied un visu ko dara, pētīju modes namu reklāmas, lakoju nagus, un viss bija ļoti labi.
Es tiešām nesaprotu, kā var izgudrot kosmosa kuģus, satelītus un zāles pret tuberkolozi, bet neizgudro un neievieš nekaitīgas nagu lakas, kas klātos tikpat labi, nesmirdētu un būtu tikpat jaukas. Un nebūtu retumi, kas sūri grūti jāmeklē. Sievietes taču nevar pārstāt lietot nagu lakas, viņām vienkārši vajag labākas.
I better don't even tell what did I incidentally read about nail polishes and their little evil, harmful ingredients, otherwise some more sensitive creatures might refuse their company in their daily life. (For insight, nail polish is equally unhealthy as waffles and their trans fatty acids. Very annoying, of course.) Nothing pleasant at all. Nail polish can be greatly useful at 3 a.m., when you are supposed revise (or most probably learn) for an evil exam, or at least should go to bed. Then you can paint your nails, step aside from everything that's about to fall over you, and go to exam, if not with clear and enlightened head, then at least with nicely painted nails. Which isn't that bad at all.
Sometimes nails painted in the right shade simply look very good, and every time you happen to look at them, you can think - there are still some right decisions you have made. Once I had my nails polished in unbelievably perfect shade of pink. When I opened the bottle of milk, they stood out so adorably from the bottle's deep green. When I broke chocolate bar into squares, again, the harmony of colours.
Polishing nails can be a part from a bigger moment, that fits well. This spring when for 3 days I had to hand in (and write) an essay every day, after handing in the very last one I sat down in the grass next to my harry Potter University, opened a gorgeous birthday present, which had arrived in the middle of essay writing - magazine Gentlewoman, took out a new nail polish, and light, tarnished, enduring moment of serenity came. I was browsing through the magazine, reading about women who dance, sing and do lots of things, glancing at fashion adds, polishing my fingernails, and everything was swell.
I don't get how is it possible to invent spaceships, satellites and tuberculosis treatment and not to invent and introduce to the market health-friendly nail polishes, that have equally good coats, don't stink and are as nice. And aren't rarities which one has to hunt down to get one. Women can't stop using nail polish, they just need better.
spožums /// brightness |
un daiļais posts /// and the beautiful harm |
Gentlewoman un pekainīša māsiņa /// Gentlewoman and Fluffie's little sister |
nagu laka, kas tik labi izskatās /// nail polish that looks so good |