Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kāzu kleita un siera kūka /// Wedding dress and cheesecake

Man patika, ka pēdējā vērā ņemamā saruna, pavisam īsa, Londonā bija par kāzu kleitu. Pēc tam vēl bija apsveicināšanās ar autobusa šoferi, daži vairāk vai mazāk izvērsti paldies par koferu pārvietošanu, lietišķas frāzes par tiem pašiem koferiem lidostā un "Should I take out this one as well?" lidostas drošības kontrolē. Izmetu pēdējos lociņus pa krēslainajām ielām, kurām visās pusēs glītas mājas (lielākā daļa ar trepītēm), un pie kāzu kleitu veikala apstājos paskatīties uz visskaistāko. Ziloņkaula krāsā, kupli, nepārspīlēti krītoša, un uzkrītoši skaista. Un, kā izrādās, nav jau tā, ka tikai meitenes spētu novērtēt kleitu daili. Garām brauca mašīna, kas krustojumā apstājās, un iekšā sēdošais vīrietis teica: 
"It's beautiful, buy it!"
"Yeah, sure! Today!"
"No, not today! When you find the right man!"
Tāda cerīga sajūta, ja Londonas pēdējās frāzes ir par kāzu kleitu, un vispār par kleitu. Ka būs jau gluži skaisti arī pēc tam.

Un pēc pāris dienām mana draudzene teica, ka mums obligāti jāiet ēst nenormāli garšīga siera kūka ar avenēm. Patīkams satraukums, nezinot, kur, kā tā kūka izskatās, kādi būs trauki un kāds laiks aiz loga. Mēs vairākas reizes parunājām par to kūku, tas, ka ir avenes, ir ļoti īpaši, un man šķiet, ka būs tik burvīgi. Arī tāda lieta, kas uzmundrina.

I like that the last conversation In London worth to mention, a very short one,  was about a wedding dress. Afterwards there were hello to bus driver, some thanks for carrying or lifting the luggage, matter-of-fact phrases about the very same luggage in the airport and " Should I take out this one as well?" at security control. I took the last walk on the dusky streets, there were pretty houses all around (most of them had stairs), and I stopped in the front of a bridal shop to have look at the prettiest dress. It was ivory, full, nothing exaggerated, and so so beautiful. And as it turned out not only girls are able to appreciate the beauty of dresses. A car was passing by, it stopped at crossroads, and the driver said: 
"It's beautiful, buy it!"
"Yeah, sure! Today!"
"No, not today! When you find the right man!"
It's quite a comforting feeling to have had the last phrases in London about wedding dress, about a dress at all. It makes me think it's gonna be quite nice afterwards as well.

And a couple days later my friend said we had to go to eat a veeeery delicious cheesecake with raspberries. It's exciting not to know where, how does the cake look like, what the dishes are gonna be like, what'the weather will be like. We have been talking about that cake several times; the fact that it has raspberries too makes it quite special, and I think it will be adorable. It's a comforting and promising thing too.

                                 Ladurée klipiņš, Parīze ///  Ladurée clip, Paris

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can't hold the baby

Lietus laikā cilvēki parasti ir mazliet bēdīgāki, bet nekad nevar zināt, vai tas ir lietus dēļ.

Un manām dzīvokļa biedrenēm, kas te ieradās jau septembrī, ir lieliski pirmās sapazīšanās stāsti. Franču meitene ieradās savā dzimšanas dienā, kas bija briesmīgākā dzimšanas diena viņas mūžā, un ieraudzījusi savu istabu un virtuvi, uzreiz metās raudāt. Tad viņa satika savu skotu dzīvokļa biedreni, kura teica, ka dušā ir liels, melns caurums, un  viņa sāka raudāt vēl vairāk par caurumu dušā. Skotiete bija domājusi, ka tas ir uzjautrinošs fakts, un to bija teikusi par katrā dienišķā dušā atrodamu caurumu, pa kuru ūdens dodas prom, taču francūziete paziņoja mammai, ka viņa te nevar palikt, un nakti pavadīja viesnīcā. Vakarā skotiete un īriete nosprieda, ka francūziete ir pametusi dzīvokli uz visiem laikiem, un visai paagri.
Īru meitene bija ar gaišāku skatu apveltīta un teica savam tētim, kurš atkārtoti apvaicājās, vai viņa tiešām vēlas šeit palikt, un ka katrā laikā viņa var doties mājās, ka būs jau labi, nu tiešām būs labi. Viņas tētis staigāja apkārt pa dzīvokli, piedāvādams saldumus katrai sieviešu dzimuma būtnei, kuru varēja atrast, un īru meitene teica: "Tēti! Ej atpakaļ manā istabā!"
Skotieti īriete pirmoreiz ieraudzīja virtuvē, kur skotiete stāvēja ar bēbi rokās, un nodomāja "oookay..." Kad skotiete pateica, ka tas nav viņas mazulis, īriete nodomāja atvieglotāku "ookay". Skotu meitenei jau bija skaidrs, ka bērns rokās jaunas, plaukstošas draudzības neveicina, un teica mammai: "Mammu, es nevaru turēt to bēbi, man nebūs draugu!"

When it is raining, people usually are sadder, but no one knows whether it is because of the rain.

And my flatmates, who arrived here already in September have got great first-meeting stories. The French girl arrived here on her Birthday, which was the most horrible Birthday in her life, and having had look on her room and kitchen, she burst out in tears. Then she met her Scottish flatmate who told her: "There is a big black hole in the shower!", and she cried even more about the hole in the shower. The Scottish girl thought this was funny, and actually she meant the very usual water drain, but the French told her mom, that she couldn't stay there, and spent the night in a hotel. At the night the Scottish girl and the Irish girl thought the French one has left for ever, and well, quite early.
The Irish girl had a brighter look and told her dad, who kept asking her: "Are you sure you wanna stay there? You can come home whenever you want to!", "Dad! I'll be fine!" Her dad was walking around the flat, offering sweets to every female he could find, and she kept pushing him to her room, saying: "Dad! Go back to my room!"
The Irish girl saw the Scottish girl for the first time in the kitchen, where the Scottish girl was standing holding a baby in her hands, and thought "oookay..." Then the Scottish quickly said: "It's not my baby", and the Irish thought "ookay" with a slightly more ease. The Scottish girl already knew holding a baby was not a good idea for new, flourishing friendships and told her mom: "Mom, I can't hold the baby! I'm not gonna make any friends!"
drēbes /// clothes
ēdiens ir fotogēnisks, bildēšu viņu biežāk /// food is so photogenic, I'm gonna take photos of it more often

man liekas, nevar pateikt, kas/ vai krūzē ir iekšā /// I don't think that one can tell, what is/ whether there is something in the mug

lieliski toņi /// awesome shades
tā reiz izskatījās un vairs neizskatās /// it used to look like this but now it doesn't anymore