Tā viņa lielākoties izskatās. Tā ir apmēram puse istabas, bet otra puse izskatās sliktāk, tāpēc es bildītes nelikšu. Vispār viss, kas ir mans, izskatās labi, un viss, kas jau bija, nepavisam neizskatās labi. Ja redzat tur kādu tīri glītu lietiņu, tad ziniet, ka tā šajā istabā ieviesās drīz pēc manis.
Taču tā jau vispār man te tīri labi patīk dzīvoties. Visjaukākie ir gaiši rīti, kad var šķirstīt grāmatas ar bildēm, pēcpusdienas ar sauli, kura spīd iekšā, un gulšņāšanu gultā, un pavēli vakari, kuros ar sakrustotām kājām sēdēt gultā un skatīties "Annu no "Zaļajiem jumtiem" vai kādu ļoti stilīgu seriālu, vai klausīties šo un to. Var arī mācīties.
That's how it usually looks like. This is around half of the room, the other half looks worse though, therefore I won't put the pictures of it. Overall all that is mine looks good and all that was here before me does not look good. If you see something pretty, then bear in mind it arrived in my room soon after I did.
Still I do like to live there pretty much. The most nicest are light mornings when one can leaf through a book with pictures, afternoons with the sun that shines into the room and idling in the bed, and in quite late evenings to sit cross-legged in the bed and watch "Anne of Green Gables" or a very stylish TV series, or to listen to this and that. And one can study too.
sienas rotas
man labāk patīk tumša koka mēbeles
I like dark wooden furniture better
Dēlis, kas domāts bildēm.
A special wall meant for pictures.
Viņas piestāv viena otrai.
They look good together.
and again
Krūzes. Bija vēl viena, bet viņa saplīsa arī bez dārgā kaķīša palīdzības. Šis dzīvoklis ir piemērota vide trauku plīšanai. Bet tas drusku labi, jo viņa nebija tik glīta kā šīs, un es nevarētu izdomāt, bildēt vai ne, un man nebūtu viņai sāpīgi jāatsaka.
Mugs. I used to have another one but I broke it even without the help of my beloved cat. This flat is a good place for dishes to fall to pieces. Anyway it is kinda good 'cause that one was not as lovely as those two, and I did not have to struggle deciding whether to take a photo of that one as well, and I would not had to painfully turn it down.
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