Man ļoti patīk dzert kafiju. Un man labi sanāk. Galīgi nav daudz lietu, kas man tik labi sanāktu. Un reizēm sanāk īpaši izcili, Glāsgovā kaut ka tā tiešām talantīgi bija. Pirmo reizi pavasarī sēdēju ārā, pie viena no maziem metāla galdiņiem, un pie blakus galdiņa trīs onkuļi katrs dzēra savu kafiju. Oficiants jautāja, vai es gribu arī pelnu trauku, un es arī gribēju. Pelnutrauks bija tikpat metālisks kā citi trauki un galds, un, kad es iedzēru malciņu kafijas, saule spīdēja tieši virsū. Vispār jau visu laiku spīdēja virsū. Drusku sagribējās, lai man būtu arī cigaretes, ne tikai pelnu trauks, taču brīža izcilums no tā nemazinājās. Un Glāzgova ir ļoti forša, tur bija tik daudz jauku lietiņu, ka nevarētu būt pārmēru neforši, un rozā un smaržīgs padara jūsmīgu jebkurā gadījumā.
I like to drink coffee a lot. And I'm good at that. There are not that many things I'm that good at actually. And sometimes it can be particularly outstanding, in Glasgow it was somehow really in a talented manner. For the first time in the spring I was siting outside, at a small metal table, and at the table next to me three gents were drinking their coffees. The waiter asked, whether I wanted an ashtray, and I did. The ashtray was as metallic as the cup and the table, and when I took a sip of coffee, the sun was shining on me. Actually it was shining all time. An I wished a bit that I had cigarettes too, not only an ashtray, however it didn't lessen the perfection of that moment. And Glasgow is awesome, and there were so many nice things, that it couldn't be overly pitiful anyway, and pink and nice-smelling makes delighted in any case.
kafija, krējums un pelnutrauks ///coffee, cream and ash tray |
mmmmmmmmm |
prasmīgu fermeru sieri /// artisan farmhouse cheeses |